Corrigan pulse

Cor·ri·gan sign

(kōr'ĭ-gan), a full, hard pulse followed by a sudden collapse easily palpated and occurring in aortic regurgitation. Synonym(s): Corrigan pulse

Cor·ri·gan pulse

(kōr'i-găn pŭls) A pulse marked by a sharp rise to full expansion followed by collapse; seen in aortic insufficiency.

Corrigan pulse

(kor'i-gan) [Sir Dominic J. Corrigan, Ir. physician, 1802–1880] Waterhammer pulse.


Sir Dominic John, Irish pathologist and clinician, 1802-1880. Corrigan disease - reflux of blood through an incompetent aortic valve into the left ventricle during ventricular diastole. Synonym(s): aortic regurgitationCorrigan pulse - the collapsing or water-hammer-type pulse in aortic regurgitation or peripheral arterial dilation, characterized by an abrupt rise and rapid fall away.