precision attachment

pre·ci·sion at·tach·ment

1. a frictional or mechanically retained unit used in fixed or removable prosthodontics, consisting of closely fitting male and female parts; 2. an attachment that may be rigid in function or may incorporate a movable stress control unit to reduce the torque on the abutment. Synonym(s): frictional attachment, internal attachment, key attachment, keyway attachment, parallel attachment, slotted attachment

pre·ci·sion at·tach·ment

(prē-sizhŭn ă-tachmĕnt) 1. Frictional or mechanically retained unit used in fixed or removable prosthodontics. 2. Attachment that may be rigid in function or may incorporate a movable stress control unit to reduce the torque on the abutment.
Synonym(s): frictional attachment, internal attachment, key attachment, keyway attachment, parallel attachment, slotted attachment.

pre·ci·sion at·tach·ment

(prē-sizhŭn ă-tachmĕnt) 1. Frictional or mechanically retained unit used in fixed or removable prosthodontics, consisting of closely fitting male and female parts. The receptacle (matrix) is typically contained within the abutment crown with the precision fitting extension (patrix) attached to the pontic or removable prosthesis. 2. Attachment that may be rigid in function or may incorporate a movable stress control unit to reduce torque on the abutment.
Synonym(s): internal attachment, key attachment, keyway attachment.