Acronym | Definition |
BLI➣Buyers Laboratory Inc |
BLI➣Broadway Limited Imports (model trains; Ormond Beach, FL) |
BLI➣Blue Line Innovations (energy monitoring products; Canada) |
BLI➣Block-Level Incremental (computing) |
BLI➣Block Length Indicator |
BLI➣BirdLife International |
BLI➣Black Leadership Initiative (est. 2002) |
BLI➣Bioluminescence Imaging (biology) |
BLI➣Blended Learning Initiative (various schools) |
BLI➣Bouchereau Lingua International (French; Canadian language school) |
BLI➣Budget Line Item |
BLI➣Blue Ling |
BLI➣Bellingham, WA, USA - Bellingham International (Airport Code) |
BLI➣Bureau Lausannois pour l'Intégration des Immigrés (French: Lausanne Office for the Integration of Immigrants; Lausanne, Switzerland) |
BLI➣Busy Lamp Indicator (VoIP) |
BLI➣Bureau Laïque International (French; international secularism group) |
BLI➣Butyrolactone I |
BLI➣Business Logic Interface |
BLI➣Bowling League of Ireland |
BLI➣Bi-Linear Interpolation (mathematics) |
BLI➣Board Leadership Institute |
BLI➣Balanced Line Interface |
BLI➣Bonded, Licensed, Insured |
BLI➣Bilan de Lecture Informatisé (French: Computerized Assessment of Reading) |
BLI➣Battleford Light Infantry |