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cystadenoma Translationscystadenoma
cystadenoma [sis-tad″ĕ-no´mah] cystoma blended with adenoma.mucinous cystadenoma a multilocular, usually benign, tumor produced by ovarian epithelial cells and having mucin-filled cavities.papillary cystadenoma any tumor producing patterns that are both papillary and cystic; called also papilloadenocystoma.serous cystadenoma a cystic tumor of the ovary containing thin, clear yellow serum and some solid tissue.cyst·ad·e·no·ma (sist'ad-ĕ-nō'mă), A histologically benign neoplasm derived from glandular epithelium, in which cystic accumulations of retained secretions are formed; in some instances, considerable portions of the neoplasm, or even the entire mass, may be cystic. Synonym(s): cystoadenomacyst·ad·e·no·ma (sist'ad-ĕ-nō'mă) A histologically benign neoplasm derived from glandular epithelium, in which cystic accumulations of retained secretions are formed. Synonym(s): cystoadenoma. cystadenoma A non-malignant CYST-like growth of glandular tissue.cyst·ad·e·no·ma (sist'ad-ĕ-nō'mă) A histologically benign neoplasm derived from glandular epithelium. |