释义 |
audioanalgesia audioanalgesia [aw″de-o-an″al-je´ze-ah] reduction or abolition of the perception of pain by listening to recorded music to which has been added a background of “white noise.”au·di·o·an·al·ge·si·a (aw'dē-ō-an'ăl-jē'zē-ă), Use of music or sound delivered through earphones to mask pain during dental or surgical procedures.au·di·o·an·al·ge·si·a (aw'dē-ō-an-ăl-jē'zē-ă) Use of music or sound delivered through earphones to enhance relaxation and distract a patient from feeling pain during dental or surgical procedures. au·di·o·an·al·ge·si·a (aw'dē-ō-an-ăl-jē'zē-ă) Use of music or other sounds delivered through earphones to mask pain during dental or surgical procedures. |