Chernyshev, Grigorii Petrovich
Chernyshev, Grigorii Petrovich
Born Jan. 21 (31), 1672; died July 30 (Aug. 10), 1745. Russian military leader and statesman. Count (1742). An associate of Peter I the Great.
Chernyshev participated in the Azov campaign in 1695 and fought in a number of significant battles during the Northern War of 1700–21. He distinguished himself in 1709 at the battle of Poltava, and in 1710 he commanded a large detachment during the capture of Vyborg. From 1713 to 1714 he headed the campaign into Finland. In 1718, Chernyshev became a member of the Admiralty College and a senator. When the Northern War ended, he occupied a series of important administrative positions and served as governor of Azov, Livland, and Moscow provinces. In 1730 he fought on the side of Empress Anna Ivanovna against the members of the Supreme Privy Council. Chernyshev left notes that contain valuable information about events in his time.