dental cuticle

e·nam·el cu·ti·cle

the primary enamel cuticle, consisting of two extremely thin layers (the inner one clear and structureless, the outer cellular), covering the entire crown of newly erupted teeth and subsequently abraded by mastication; it is evident microscopically as an amorphous material between the attachment epithelium and the tooth. Synonym(s): adamantine membrane, cuticula dentis, dental cuticle, membrana adamantina, Nasmyth cuticle, Nasmyth membrane, skin of teeth

primary enamel cuticle

A thin membrane of tissue consisting primarily of basal lamina that is produced by ameloblasts and covers the erupting tooth, which is worn away by chewing and cleaning.

dental cuticle

The glycosaminoglycans layer produced by attachment epithelium on the cementum of the tooth root. It is continuous with and identical in origin and function to enamel cuticle, which is present on the enamel crown. Synonym: attachment cuticleSee also: cuticle

e·nam·el cu·ti·cle

(ĕ-namĕl kyūti-kĕl) Primary enamel cuticle, consisting of two extremely thin layers (the inner clear and structureless, the outer cellular), covering entire crown of newly erupted teeth and subsequently abraded by mastication; evident microscopically as an amorphous material between the attachment epithelium and the tooth.
Synonym(s): adamantine membrane, cuticula dentis, dental cuticle, membrana adamantina, primary cuticle, skin of teeth.