

单词 fern



F0082800 (fûrn)n. Any of numerous flowerless, seedless vascular plants that produce spores giving rise to free-living gametophytes and that often have dissected leaves.
[Middle English, from Old English fearn; see per- in Indo-European roots.]
fern′y adj.


(fɜːn) n1. (Plants) any tracheophyte plant of the phylum Filicinophyta, having roots, stems, and fronds and reproducing by spores formed in structures (sori) on the fronds. See also tree fern2. (Plants) any of certain similar but unrelated plants, such as the sweet fern[Old English fearn; related to Old High German farn, Sanskrit parná leaf] ˈfernˌlike adj ˈferny adj



n. a nonflowering vascular plant of the class Filicinae, having fronds and reproducing by spores. [before 900; Middle English ferne, Old English fearn; c. Middle Dutch væren, Old High German farn fern, Skt parná feather] fern′like`, adj. fern′y, adj.


(fûrn) Any of numerous seedless plants usually having feathery fronds divided into many leaflets. Ferns have vascular tissue like plants that bear seeds but reproduce by means of spores.


 a huge quantity or number, 1300.
Noun1.fern - any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upwardfern - any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward; reproduce by sporespecopteris - Carboniferous fossil fern characterized by a regular arrangement of the leaflets resembling a combnonflowering plant, pteridophyte - plants having vascular tissue and reproducing by sporesfern seed - the asexual spore of ferns that resembles dust; once thought to be seeds and to make the possessor invisiblefilm fern, filmy fern - any fern of the genus Hymenophyllum growing in tropical humid regions and having translucent leavesbristle fern, filmy fern - any fern of the genus Trichomanes having large pinnatifid often translucent fronds; most are epiphytic on tree branches and twigs or terrestrial on mossy banksosmund, flowering fern - any fern of the genus Osmunda: large ferns with creeping rhizomes; naked sporangia are on modified fronds that resemble flower clusterscrape fern, Leptopteris superba, Prince-of-Wales feather, Prince-of-Wales fern, Prince-of-Wales plume, Todea superba - New Zealand with pinnate fronds and a densely woolly stalks; sometimes included in genus Todeacrepe fern, king fern, Todea barbara - fern of rain forests of tropical Australia and New Zealand and South Africacurly grass, curly grass fern, Schizaea pusilla - rare small fern of northeastern North America having numerous slender spiraling fronds and forming dense tuftsAnemia adiantifolia, pine fern - fern of Florida and West Indies and Central America with rhizome densely clad in grown hairsclimbing fern - any of several ferns of the genus Lygodium that climb by twiningMohria caffrorum, scented fern - sweetly scented African fern with narrow bipinnate frondsaquatic fern, water fern - ferns that grow in wateradder's tongue, adder's tongue fern - ferns with fertile spikes shaped like a snake's tonguegrape fern - a fern of the genus Botrychium having a fertile frond bearing small grapelike clusters of spore casesflowering fern, Helminthostachys zeylanica - Australasian fern with clusters of sporangia on stems of fertile frondsclass Filicinae, class Filicopsida, Filicinae, Filicopsida - fernsDiplopterygium longissimum, giant scrambling fern - large scrambling fern forming large patches to 18 feet high; Pacific region and Chinafan fern, Gleichenia flabellata, Sticherus flabellatus, umbrella fern - large Australasian fern with fanlike repeatedly forked fronds; sometimes placed in genus Gleicheniapolypody - any of numerous ferns of the genus PolypodiumAglaomorpha meyeniana, bear's-paw fern - epiphytic fern with large fronds; Taiwan and Philippinesstrap fern - fern with long narrow strap-shaped leavesDrynaria rigidula, basket fern - giant epiphytic or lithophytic fern; Asia to Polynesia and Australialecanopteris - any of several bizarre ferns of the genus Lecanopteris having swollen hollow rhizomes that provide homes for symbiotic antsMicrogramma-piloselloides, snake polypody - epiphytic ferns with long rhizomes; tropical Americaclimbing bird's nest fern, Microsorium punctatum - tropical Africa to Australasia and Polynesiagolden polypody, Phlebodium aureum, Polypodium aureum, rabbit's-foot fern, serpent fern - tropical American fern with brown scaly rhizomes cultivated for its large deeply lobed deep bluish-green fronds; sometimes placed in genus Polypodiumstaghorn fern - any of various tropical ferns of the genus Platycerium having large flat lobed fronds often resembling the antlers of a stagCyclophorus lingua, felt fern, Pyrrosia lingua, tongue fern - east Asian fern having fronds shaped like tongues; sometimes placed in genus CyclophorusSolanopteris bifrons, potato fern - small epiphytic fern of South America with tuberous swellings along rhizomesgrass fern, Vittaria lineata, ribbon fern - epiphytic fern found in lowland forests of tropical Americaspleenwort - any of various chiefly rock-inhabiting ferns of the genus AspleniumAsplenium nidus, bird's nest fern - tropical Old World or Australian epiphytic fern frequently forming tufts in tree crotchesAsplenium scolopendrium, Phyllitis scolopendrium, hart's-tongue, hart's-tongue fern - Eurasian fern with simple lanceolate fronds




adder's-tongue, bladder fern, beech fern, bracken, buckler fern, hard fern, hart's-tongue, lady fern, maidenhair, male fern, marsh fern, moonwort, oak fern, parsley fern, pillwort, rock brake, royal fern, shield fern, sword fern, tree fern, Venus's-hair, walking fern, wall rue, woodsia


(fəːn) noun a kind of plant with no flowers and delicate feather-like leaves. 蕨類植物 蕨类植物





any plant of the division Polypodiophyta. Fern species, numbering several thousand, are found throughout the world but are especially abundant in tropical rain forests. The ferns and their relatives (e.g., the club mossclub moss,
name generally used for the living species of the class Lycopodiopsida, a primitive subdivision of vascular plants. The Lycopodiopsida were a dominant plant group in the Carboniferous period, when they attained the size of trees, and contributed to the coal deposits
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 and horsetailhorsetail,
any plant of the genus Equisetum [Lat.,=horse bristle], the single surviving genus of a large group (Equisetophyta) of primitive vascular plants. Like the ferns and club mosses, relatives of the living horsetails thrived in the Carboniferous period (when they
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) are the most primitive plants to have developed a true vascular system (see plantplant,
any organism of the plant kingdom, as opposed to one of the animal kingdom or of the kingdoms Fungi, Protista, or Monera in the five-kingdom system of classification.
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). The asparagusasparagus,
perennial garden vegetable (Asparagus officinalis) of the family Liliaceae (lily family), native to the E Mediterranean area and now naturalized over much of the world.
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 fern and shrub sweet fern (see bayberrybayberry,
common name for the Myricaceae, a family of trees and shrubs with aromatic foliage, found chiefly in temperate and subtropical regions. The waxy gray "berries" of the North American wild or cultivated bayberry shrubs (chiefly Myrica cerifera
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) of florists are not true ferns.

Common Species

The majority of the common living ferns are members of the polypody family (Polypodiaceae), usually characterized by the familiar triangular fronds subdivided into many leaflets (pinnae) and smaller pinnules. A popular house fern, a drooping-leaved variety of Nephrolepis exaltata, a tropical sword fern, is called the Boston fern (var. bostoniensis) because it was first found in a shipment of sword ferns received in Boston. The maidenhair ferns (Adiantum), with a few species native to North America, were formerly used as a cure for respiratory ailments. The Brazilian A. cuneatum and its numerous varieties are now the major greenhouse ferns in North America. The most familiar of all woodland ferns, found the world over, is Pteridium aquilinum, the common brackenbracken
or brake,
common name for a tall fern (Pteridium aquilinum) with large triangular fronds, widespread throughout the world, often as a weed. It is considered poisonous to livestock when eaten in quantity, but the rootstocks and the young shoots, cooked,
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, or brake (names also applied to other similar ferns, especially species of Pteris). Other North American woodland ferns include the Christmas fern (Polystichum acrostichoides), a dark-green evergreen plant; the walking fern (Camptosorus rhizophyllus), native to limestone areas and named for its characteristic vegetative reproduction, in which new plantlets root from the tips of the elongated fronds; and the common polypody (Polypodium vulgare), called also wall, or boulder, fern, a low, matted plant that is the most common of the rock-inhabiting ferns. Also included in the polypody family are many of the mostly tropical fern epiphytesepiphyte
or air plant,
any plant that does not normally root in the soil but grows upon another living plant while remaining independent of it except for support (thus differing from a parasite).
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. Some ferns of other families are aquatic. Among the better known aquatic genera are Marsilea and Salvinia, cultivated in aquariums; giant salvinia, S. molesta, native to South America, and common salvinia, S. minima, native to Central and South America, are prolific aquatic weeds in some S U.S. lakes. The adder's-tongue ferns (Ophioglossum) and rattlesnake ferns (Botrychium) belong to the most primitive fern family (Ophioglossaceae) and bear sporangia not in sori but in spikes arising from the leaves. Dicksonia, Cibotium, and Cyathea are the tree fern genera most frequently seen in greenhouses and conservatories.

Ancient Ferns

During the Carboniferous era, ancestors to modern ferns were the dominant vegetation of the earth; they contributed to the coal deposits then being formed. Ancient ferns were probably similar to the tree ferns, a declining race found today only in a few tropical areas. Their fronds are clustered at the top of a treelike trunk, sometimes 30 or 40 ft (9–12 m) in height, rather than growing directly from the rootstalk as do those of most temperate ferns.


Ferns reproduce by an alternation of generations (see reproductionreproduction,
capacity of all living systems to give rise to new systems similar to themselves. The term reproduction may refer to this power of self-duplication of a single cell or a multicellular animal or plant organism.
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), the fern itself being the sporophyte, which produces asexual spores. In most ferns the sporangia (sporespore,
term applied both to a resistant or resting stage occurring among various unicellular organisms (especially bacteria) and to an asexual reproductive cell produced by many unicellular plants and animals and by all plants that undergo an alternation of generations.
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-bearing sacs) are borne in clusters (called sori), which appear as brown dots or streaks on the underside of the leaves. Although no present-day ferns reproduce by seeds, there are fossils of some fernlike plants that were seed-producing, and it is believed that the seed plants (e.g., the gymnosperms and true flowering plants) evolved from fernlike ancestors.

Uses and Lore

The tree ferns (families Dicksoniaceae and Cyatheaceae) are the only living ferns of any commercial importance other than as ornamentals. In the tropics the trunks are employed in construction, and the starchy pith was formerly eaten by the Maoris and other native groups. The dense root systems are widely used as a substrate for growing orchids; many populations of tree ferns are destroyed for this purpose. Dense golden hair covers the base of the leaf stalks and buds in many species and is exported as "pulu" for mattress and pillow stuffing and for packing material. A large number of fern species are used medicinally by local populations, especially in the tropics.

Numerous superstitions have arisen about ferns. The mythical "fern seeds," believed to be produced by the male fern (Dryopteris filix-mas) and by the lady fern (formerly a name for the common bracken but now applied to Athyrium filix-femina), were reputed to create invisibility if eaten by a member of the appropriate sex. The bracken was also considered protection against goblins and witches because the broken stem and root appear to be marked with a C, symbolizing Christ.


Ferns are classified in the division PolypodiophytaPolypodiophyta
, division of the plant kingdom consisting of the plants commonly called ferns. The ferns are vascular plants with stems, roots, and leaves. The small and inconspicuous gametophyte and the large spore-producing fern plant are quite independent of each other.
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, class Polypodiopsida.


See G. M. Smith, Cryptogamic Botany, Vol. II (2d ed. 1955); B. Cobb, A Field Guide to the Ferns (1956); F. S. Shuttleworth and H. S. Zim, Non-flowering Plants (1967); F. E. Round, Introduction to the Lower Plants (1969); D. L. Jones Encyclopedia of Ferns (1987).


[fərn] (botany) Any of a large number of vascular plants composing the division Polypodiophyta.


of New Zealand. [Flower Symbolism: WB, 7: 264]See: Flower Or Plant, National


1. any tracheophyte plant of the phylum Filicinophyta, having roots, stems, and fronds and reproducing by spores formed in structures (sori) on the fronds 2. any of certain similar but unrelated plants, such as the sweet fern


FERNFood Emergency Response Network
FERNFoundation for Ecological Research in the Northeast
FERNFremantle Environmental Resource Network (Australia)
FERNForest Ecosystem Rescue Network (Sparr, FL)
FERNFife Environmental Recording Network (est. 1992; UK)
FERNFire Emergency Response Network


  • noun

Words related to fern

noun any of numerous flowerless and seedless vascular plants having true roots from a rhizome and fronds that uncurl upward

Related Words

  • pecopteris
  • nonflowering plant
  • pteridophyte
  • fern seed
  • film fern
  • filmy fern
  • bristle fern
  • osmund
  • flowering fern
  • crape fern
  • Leptopteris superba
  • Prince-of-Wales feather
  • Prince-of-Wales fern
  • Prince-of-Wales plume
  • Todea superba
  • crepe fern
  • king fern
  • Todea barbara
  • curly grass
  • curly grass fern
  • Schizaea pusilla
  • Anemia adiantifolia
  • pine fern
  • climbing fern
  • Mohria caffrorum
  • scented fern
  • aquatic fern
  • water fern
  • adder's tongue
  • adder's tongue fern
  • grape fern
  • Helminthostachys zeylanica
  • class Filicinae
  • class Filicopsida
  • Filicinae
  • Filicopsida
  • Diplopterygium longissimum
  • giant scrambling fern
  • fan fern
  • Gleichenia flabellata
  • Sticherus flabellatus
  • umbrella fern
  • polypody
  • Aglaomorpha meyeniana
  • bear's-paw fern
  • strap fern
  • Drynaria rigidula
  • basket fern
  • lecanopteris
  • Microgramma-piloselloides
  • snake polypody
  • climbing bird's nest fern
  • Microsorium punctatum
  • golden polypody
  • Phlebodium aureum
  • Polypodium aureum
  • rabbit's-foot fern
  • serpent fern
  • staghorn fern
  • Cyclophorus lingua
  • felt fern
  • Pyrrosia lingua
  • tongue fern
  • Solanopteris bifrons
  • potato fern
  • grass fern
  • Vittaria lineata
  • ribbon fern
  • spleenwort
  • Asplenium nidus
  • bird's nest fern
  • Asplenium scolopendrium
  • Phyllitis scolopendrium
  • hart's-tongue
  • hart's-tongue fern
  • Asplenium ceterach
  • Ceterach officinarum
  • scale fern
  • scaly fern
  • Asplenium nigripes
  • Schaffneria nigripes
  • Scolopendrium nigripes
  • scolopendrium
  • hard fern
  • doodia
  • rasp fern
  • chain fern
  • tree fern
  • davallia
  • boulder fern
  • Dennstaedtia punctilobula
  • hay-scented
  • hay-scented fern
  • pasture brake
  • Pteridium aquilinum
  • bracken
  • brake
  • Pteridium esculentum
  • Culcita dubia
  • false bracken
  • buckler fern
  • shield fern
  • wood fern
  • woodfern
  • wood-fern
  • Athyrium filix-femina
  • lady fern
  • Athyrium pycnocarpon
  • Diplazium pycnocarpon
  • glade fern
  • narrow-leaved spleenwort
  • silvery spleenwort
  • Cyrtomium aculeatum
  • Polystichum aculeatum
  • holly fern
  • bladder fern
  • Athyrium thelypteroides
  • Deparia acrostichoides
  • Gymnocarpium dryopteris
  • oak fern
  • Thelypteris dryopteris
  • Gymnocarpium robertianum
  • limestone fern
  • northern oak fern
  • fiddlehead
  • Matteuccia struthiopteris
  • Onoclea struthiopteris
  • ostrich fern
  • Pteretis struthiopteris
  • shuttlecock fern
  • Olfersia cervina
  • Polybotria cervina
  • Polybotrya cervina
  • bead fern
  • Onoclea sensibilis
  • sensitive fern
  • canker brake
  • Christmas fern
  • dagger fern
  • evergreen wood fern
  • Polystichum acrostichoides
  • leatherleaf fern
  • Polystichum adiantiformis
  • Rumohra adiantiformis
  • ten-day fern
  • leather fern
  • Tectaria cicutaria
  • button fern
  • Indian button fern
  • Tectaria macrodonta
  • woodsia
  • oleander fern
  • Oleandra mollis
  • Oleandra neriiformis
  • sword fern
  • Acrostichum aureum
  • golden fern
  • maidenhair
  • maidenhair fern
  • annual fern
  • Anogramma leptophylla
  • Jersey fern
  • lip fern
  • lipfern
  • Cheilanthes gracillima
  • lace fern
  • bamboo fern
  • Coniogramme japonica
  • rock brake
  • Doryopteris pedata
  • hand fern
  • cliff brake
  • cliff-brake
  • Pellaea rotundifolia
  • Pityrogramma argentea
  • silver fern
  • Pityrogramma calomelanos
  • Pityrogramma calomelanos aureoflava
  • gold fern
  • Pityrogramma chrysophylla
  • Pteris cretica
  • Pteris multifida
  • spider brake
  • spider fern
  • Pteris serrulata
  • Marattia salicina
  • Dryopteris thelypteris
  • marsh fern
  • Thelypteris palustris
  • christella
  • Dryopteris oreopteris
  • mountain fern
  • Oreopteris limbosperma
  • Dryopteris noveboracensis
  • New York fern
  • Parathelypteris novae-boracensis
  • Massachusetts fern
  • Parathelypteris simulata
  • Thelypteris simulata
  • beech fern




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