statokinetic reflex

stat·o·ki·net·ic re·flex

a reflex that, through stimulation of the receptors in the neck muscles and semicircular canals, brings about movements of the limbs and eyes appropriate to a given movement of the head in space.

statokinetic reflex

(stăt′ō-kĭ-nĕt′ĭk, -kī-)n. A reflex that, through stimulation of the receptors in the neck muscles and semicircular canals, brings about movements of the limbs and eyes appropriate to a given movement of the head.

stat·o·ki·net·ic re·flex

(stat'ō-ki-net'ik rē'fleks) An action that, through stimulation of the receptors in the neck muscles and semicircular canals, brings about movements of the limbs and eyes appropriate to a given movement of the head in space.

stat·o·ki·net·ic re·flex

(stat'ō-ki-net'ik rē'fleks) Reflex that, through stimulation of receptors in neck muscles and semicircular canals, brings about movements of limbs and eyes appropriate to a given movement of head in space.