

单词 com



(word root) with, together, in associationExamples of words with the root com-: combine


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) a commercial company


(kɒm) n (Computer Science) a. a process in which a computer output is converted direct to microfiche or film, esp 35 or 16 millimetre filmb. (as modifier): a COM machine. [(C)omputer (O)utput on (M)icrofilm]



n. Comedy Central (a cable television channel).


, a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin, where it and its variants meant “with,” “together with,” and denoted joint or simultaneous action ( colloquy; confer; convene), partnership ( colleague), union ( coitus; colleat; combine), or enclosure (content), or marked the completed nature of the action of a verb (conclude; confection); com- is used before b, p, m (combine; compare; commingle). For variants before other sounds, see co-, col-1, con-, cor-. [< Latin cum with]


1. Commander. 2. Commission. 3. Commissioner. 4. Committee. 5. Commodore. 6. Commonwealth.


1. comedy. 2. comma. 3. command. 4. commander. 5. commerce. 6. commercial. 7. commission. 8. commissioner. 9. committee. 10. common. 11. commonly. 12. communications.



(astronomy) Coma Berenices


(computer science) computer output on microfilm


Abbr. for “customer’s own material.”

Com, Com.

In the lumber industry, abbr. for common.


(programming)Component Object Model.


(storage)Computer Output on Microfilm - see Enterprise Report Management.


(networking)(.com, "commercial") The top-level domainoriginally for American companies but, since the explosion ofthe World-Wide Web, used by most companies and for vanity domains of all types, whether in the US or not, often inaddition to country code domains like amazon.co.uk.

The term "dot com" is now widely used to refer to any Internetbusiness as in "My dot com turned into a dot bomb".


(1) See computer-on-module.

(2) See computer output microfilm.

(3) (Component Object Model) A Microsoft architecture for building software modules (objects) that are executed in Windows. Parts of Windows itself and Microsoft's own applications are built as COM objects. Beginning with Windows 95 and Windows NT, COM provides the interfaces between objects, and Distributed COM (DCOM) allows them to run remotely.

COM Objects
COM objects can be small or large. They can be written in several programming languages and perform any kind of processing. Whenever it needs its services, a program can call the object, which can be run remotely over a network, originally known as "Distributed COM" (DCOM).

Automation (OLE automation)
Standard applications, such as word processors and spreadsheets, can be written to expose their internal functions as COM objects, allowing them to be "automated" instead of manually selected from a menu. For example, a script could be written to extract data from a database, summarize and chart it in a spreadsheet and place the results into a text document. See COM automation.

Controls(OLE controls, ActiveX controls)
Applications can invoke COM objects, called "controls," that blend in and become just another part of the program. An industry of third-party, ready-made controls for the Windows programmer has been created. ActiveX controls can also be downloaded from the Internet to make a Web page perform any kind of processing. See ActiveX control.

Compound Documents and ActiveX Documents
Microsoft's OLE compound documents are based on COM, which lets one document be embedded within or linked to another (see OLE). ActiveX Documents are extensions to OLE that allow a Web browser, for example, to view not only Web pages, but any kind of document (see ActiveX Documents).

Programming Interfaces
Increasingly, Microsoft is making its standard programming interfaces conform to the COM object model so that there is continuity between all interfaces. See DAO, ADO and OLE DB.

It Can Be Confusing

Microsoft first used the term OLE to refer to its COM-based architecture, then later dropped that designation in favor of ActiveX. Since both OLE and ActiveX are based on COM, the term COM is also used. As a result, any combination of the words COM, OLE and ActiveX followed by the words control, object and component may mean the same thing, or they may not, depending on context.

COM Objects
Any kind of program, small or large, can be written as a COM object. It can be run locally or remotely via DCOM. The terms COM object, ActiveX object and ActiveX component are synonymous.


COMCommercial (Internet top level domain)
COMCommand (File Name Extension)
COMComponent Object Model (Microsoft)
COMComponent Oriented Middleware
COMComplete (railroads)
COMCost of Money (finance)
COMCustomer's Own Material
COMChange of Mission
COMCommander (US DoD)
COMCollege of Communication (Boston University)
COMCollege of Medicine
COMCenter Of Mass
COMCustomer Operations Manager
COMCommittee of Management
COMCommon Object Model
COMChief of Mission
COMChief Of Maintenance
COMComedy Central (cable network)
COMComoros (ISO Country code)
COMChain of Memories (Kingdom Hearts video game)
COMCommission On Ministry
COMClinical Operations Manager
COMCost Of Manufacture
COMCouncil on Ministries
COMCenter for Optics Manufacturing
COMConsequence Management
COMCollege of Marin
COMCabinet of Ministers
COMCollege of the Mainland (Texas City, Texas)
COMCouncil of Management (UK)
COMCaptain of Marines
COMContamination Monitor
COMCreepy Old Man
COMColloidal Organic Matter
COMCollege of Osteopathic Medicine
COMComputer Output Microfiche
COMContinuous Opacity Monitor (environment)
COMChronic Otitis Media
COMCount on Me
COMCommutator (part of an electric motor)
COMContrat d'Objectifs et de Moyens (French: Contract Objectives and Means)
COMCollectivité d'Outre-Mer (French: Overseas Communities)
COMCookie of the Month (various companies)
COMCalcium Oxalate Monohydrate
COMCulture, Organization and Management
COMComite Olimpico Mexicano (Mexican olympic participation agency)
COMCentre d'Océanologie de Marseille (French: Oceanology Center of Marseilles; Marseilles, France)
COMChosen of Mystra (gaming)
COMCampers on Mission
COMComputer Output Microfilm
COMCentre of Motion
COMCorporate Online Management
COMContinuation of Message
COMComponent Object Model
COMCenter Operator Manual
COMComputer on Module
COMCommunication Port
COMCompany Operations Manual
COMCouncil of Mages (game)
COMContinuation Of Message (ATMF)
COMComponent Object Module
COMCrown of Might (game)
COMCorporal of Marines
COMColonel of Marines
COMCírculo de Oficiales de Mar (Argentina)
COMCouncil On Ministry (United Methodist Church)
COMCommissioned Officers Mess
COMCoal-Oil Mixture
COMCommodity Options Market
COMCollection Operations Management
COMComputer Operations Manual
COMCentral Office Module
COMCommission on Overseas Mission
COMCockpit Operating Manual
COMConventiei Organizatiilor de Media (Romanian)
COMCharacter-Oriented Message
COMCowl of Mortality (gaming)
COMChange Order Master
COMCountry of Origin Minimum Check (city/airport code)
COMCommissary Operating Manual
COMChurch of Miho (Megatokyo religion)
COMCustomer's Own Merchandise
COMCrystallographic Orientation Matrix
COMClient-Owned Material
COMComputer-Output Microfilm/Microform




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