释义 |
vul·ner·ar·y V0154700 (vŭl′nə-rĕr′ē)adj. Used in the healing or treating of wounds.n. pl. vul·ner·ar·ies A remedy used in healing or treating wounds. [Latin vulnerārius, from vulnus, vulner-, wound; see vulnerable.]vulnerary (ˈvʌlnərərɪ) medadj (Medicine) of, relating to, or used to heal a woundn, pl -aries (Pharmacology) a vulnerary drug or agent[C16: from Latin vulnerārius belonging to wounds, from vulnus a wound]vul•ner•ar•y (ˈvʌl nəˌrɛr i) adj., n., pl. -ar•ies. adj. 1. used to promote the healing of wounds, as herbs or other remedies. n. 2. a remedy for wounds. [1590–1600; < Latin vulnerārius=vulner-, s. of vulnus wound + -ārius -ary] Translationsvulnerary
vul·ner·ar·y (vul'nĕr-ar'ē), Of or relating to a wound or the healing of a wound. [L. vulnus, a wound] vulnerary (vŭl′nə-rĕr′ē)adj. Used in the healing or treating of wounds.n. pl. vulnerar·ies A remedy used in healing or treating wounds.VulneraryHeals wounds, bruises, sprains, and ulcers.Mentioned in: St. John's Wort |