dental prophylaxis


 [pro″fĭ-lak´sis] disease prevention" >prevention; called also preventive prophylaxis oral prophylaxis.oral prophylaxis cleaning of the teeth by a dentist or dental hygienist, including removal of plaque, materia alba, calculus, and extrinsic stains; done as a preventive measure for control of gingivitis. Called also dental prophylaxis.

den·tal pro·phy·lax·is

a series of procedures whereby calculus, stain, and other accretions are removed from the crowns and roots of the teeth, and the enamel surfaces are polished. Synonym(s): cleaning

den·tal proph·y·lax·is

(den'tăl prō'fi-lak'sis) Measures to promote the health and prevent disease of the teeth and gums that include scaling and polishing procedures performed to remove plaque, calculus, and stains.

den·tal proph·y·lax·is

(den'tăl prō'fi-lak'sis) Procedures whereby calculus, stains, and other accretions are removed from the crowns and roots of the teeth and the enamel surfaces are polished.
Synonym(s): cleaning.