释义 |
checkbite in·ter·oc·clu·sal rec·ord , centric interocclusal recordeccentric interocclusal recordlateral interocclusal recordprotrusive interocclusal recorda record of the positional relationship of the teeth or jaws to each other, recorded by placing a plastic material that hardens (such as plaster of Paris or wax) between the occlusal surfaces of the rims or teeth; the hardened material serves as the record; it may be registered in centric or eccentric positions, as centric interocclusal record, a record of centric jaw relation; eccentric interocclusal record, a record of jaw position in other than centric relation; lateral interocclusal record, a record of a lateral eccentric jaw position; and protrusive interocclusal record, a record of a protruded eccentric jaw position. Synonym(s): checkbitein·ter·oc·clu·sal re·cord , centric interocclusal record , eccentric interocclusal record , lateral interocclusal record , protrusive interocclusal record (intĕr-ŏ-klūzăl rekŏrd, sentrik, ek-sentrik, latĕr-ăl, prō-trūsiv) Record of positional relationship of teeth or jaws to each other, recorded by placing a plastic material that hardens (e.g., plaster of Paris, wax) between occlusal surfaces of rims or teeth; hardened material serves as the record; may be registered in centric or eccentric positions, as centric interocclusal record, a record of centric jaw relation; eccentric interocclusal record, a record of jaw position in other than centric relation; lateral interocclusal record, a record of a lateral eccentric jaw position; and protrusive interocclusal record, a record of a protruded eccentric jaw position. Synonym(s): checkbite. |