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AFO Abbreviation for ankle-foot orthotic. orthosis (or-tho'sis) [Gr. orthosis, guidance, straightening] Any device added to the body to stabilize or immobilize a body part, prevent deformity, protect against injury, or assist with function. Orthotic devices range from arm slings to corsets and finger splints. They may be made from a variety of materials, including rubber, leather, canvas, rubber synthetics, and plastic. orthotic (-thot'ik), adjective ANKLE-FOOT ORTHOSISankle-foot orthosis Abbreviation: AFO Any of a class of external orthopedic appliances, braces, or splints devised to control, limit, or assist foot and ankle motion and provide leg support. Typically, orthotics are made of lightweight materials such as thermoplastics. See: illustrationPatient careA variety of ankle-foot orthoses are used. In the treatment of Achilles' tendon rupture, e.g., the orthosis holds the foot at a right angle to the horizontal plane of the body, in plantar flexion. balanced forearm orthosisMobile arm support.halo vest orthosisHalo vest.spinal orthosisA supportive device applied to the back (and often encircling the trunk) that limits the movement of the vertebrae, alleviates pain, or unloads mechanical stress; back brace. wrist-driven hand orthosis Abbreviation: WDHO An orthotic that uses the muscles of the wrist, esp. the extensor muscles, to drive the fingers together into a grasping motion. It can be used by people with paralysis of the hand to improve the ability to hold on to and release objects. wrist-driven wrist-hand orthosis Abbreviation: WDWHO A dynamic splint used for functional grasp by people with C6 tetraplegia. See: tenodesis (2); universal cuff.
ANKLE-FOOT ORTHOSISankle-foot orthosis Abbreviation: AFO Any of a class of external orthopedic appliances, braces, or splints devised to control, limit, or assist foot and ankle motion and provide leg support. Typically, orthotics are made of lightweight materials such as thermoplastics. See: illustrationPatient careA variety of ankle-foot orthoses are used. In the treatment of Achilles' tendon rupture, e.g., the orthosis holds the foot at a right angle to the horizontal plane of the body, in plantar flexion. See also: orthosisReferences in periodicals archive* almost all footplate of AFO No.l has the same 2,0 mm thickness; only in the zone where lateral strut is attached it gradually increases up to 5.3 mm (size of such thick zone is near 50-60 mm);Investigation of the Ankle Foot Orthoses Footplates StiffnessAmong these patients, the temporospatial and kinematic data of 28 patients (16 males, 12 females; mean age 43.2[+ or -]15.9 years; range 20 to 72 years) who had been analyzed under barefoot and AFO conditions during the same session were included in the study.Effect of ankle foot orthosis on gait parameters and functional ambulation in patients with strokeThis article presents an exceptional case report of ameloblastic fibroodontoma (AFO) with emphasis on diagnostic criteria thus emphasizing to all the readers its importance.Ameloblastic Fibroodontoma: Uncommon Case Presentation in a 6-Year-Old Child with Review of the LiteratureDeterminou-se o tamanho amostral necessario para estimacao de cada uma das nove equacoes de regressao ajustadas pela equacao [MATHEMATICAL EXPRESSION NOT REPRODUCIBLE IN ASCII], em que: [[eta].sub.eq] e o tamanho da amostra para determinar a equacao; Y e a media aritmetica da AFO na amostra de n = 200 folhas; [t.sub.a/2] e o valor critico da distribuicao t de Student, cuja area a direita e igual a [alpha]/2 com (n - 1) graus de liberdade, e com 1% de probabilidade de erro; RQME e raiz do quadrado medio do erro; e e o erro na estimativa da media, assumido como 5%.Modelos alometricos na determinacao da area foliar de Bauhinia monandra KurzBy creating a tool to predict energy storage and release based on a patient's physical characteristics and gait parameters, AFO prescription could be more standardized and the function of AFOs increased for many individuals.Experimental and computational analysis of composite ankle-foot orthosisWe hypothesized that individuals with acute CVA will improve their gait while provided with an AFO and that the improvement will be similar whether they use the prefabricated carbon AFO or the custom plastic AFO.The effects of two different ankle-foot orthoses on gait of patients with acute hemiparetic cerebrovascular accidentWe have found two types of literatures on ankle foot orthotic devices: one type focusing on design and construction and another type focusing on the evaluation of gait wearing AFO. Two recent reviews are found: one describing possibilities and challenges of powered ankle foot orthotic devices [11] and another one reporting challenges and state of the art of lower extremity exoskeleton and active orthotic devices [12].Mechanism and design analysis of articulated ankle foot orthoses for drop- footBefore that, there will be a sneak preview of Joe's work at AFO's summer concert in Ayr Town Hall this Saturday when, it is hoped, Prof Higgs will be in the audience.Fiddlers' Euro tour goes with big bangThe Board of Trustees of the award, at a meeting presided over by the Chairman of the AFO Dr Jamal bin Obeid Al Beh,
also decided to give the 'Steadfastness under Occupation' award to the Al Dalou Family in the Gaza Strip.Shaikh Saif elected Personality of the YearLes expanded his line to include combat folders (as they were referred to at the time) and in 1992 the launched the AFO (Armed Forces Only) knife, an aluminum-handled automatic, geared toward military users.Benchmade knives soaring steel! An American success storyAmong its partners are well-known players such as BridgeWave, Symmetricom, Dows Lake Microsystems and AFO. "We offer Symmetricom, which is number-one in the world for network synchronisation, and then for performance analysis we have EXFO which is dominant in the fibre optic field, as well Newfield Wireless for network visualization," says Camille , Abusaba, Managing Director, Comtinu.Comtinu helps telcos growAt an AFO, manure and wastewater contribute to ammonia emissions from the animal housing and from the manure storage and treatment facilities.Ammonia mitigation technology for sustainable environmental stewardshipAFO
Acronym | Definition |
AFO➣Ankle-Foot Orthosis | AFO➣Animal Feeding Operation(s) | AFO➣Aquatic Facility Operator (various locations) | AFO➣Association Française des Orchestres (French: French Association of Orchestras) | AFO➣Advanced File Organizer | AFO➣Association Française d'Ostéopathie (French: French Association of Osteopathy) | AFO➣Air Force One (The Movie) | AFO➣Arellano-Felix Organization (drug trafficking cartel) | AFO➣Algar-Flynn-Oyamada (chemical reaction) | AFO➣Alien Front Online (Sega video game) | AFO➣Admiralty Fleet Order | AFO➣Academy of Fixed Orthodontics (various locations) | AFO➣Air Force Ones (Nike shoes) | AFO➣Association Française d'Orthoptique (French: French Orthoptic Association; est. 1965) | AFO➣Authorised Firearms Officer (UK police) | AFO➣Advanced Furniture Outfitters (Bryan, OH) | AFO➣Armed Forces Only | AFO➣Advanced Force Operations (US DoD) | AFO➣Additional Forms | AFO➣Air Failure Open (valve operation mode) | AFO➣Alzheimer's Family Organization (Florida) | AFO➣Axial Force Only (engineering) | AFO➣Awaiting Further Occurrence | AFO➣Auxiliary Fuel Oil | AFO➣Announced Flight Opportunity | AFO➣Announcement of Flight Opportunities | AFO➣Anti-Fascist Organization | AFO➣Advanced File Organizer (software) | AFO➣Accounting & Finance Office/r | AFO➣Audio Frequency Overlay (train location technology) | AFO➣Alaska Field Office | AFO➣Agency Field Office | AFO➣Aero Force One (Aerosmith fan club) | AFO➣Agencia Filatelica Oficial (Spanish: Official Philatelic Agency, Barcelona) | AFO➣Away from Office | AFO➣Available for Obligations | AFO➣Aircraft Flight Operations (job title) | AFO➣Army Finance Officer | AFO➣Alternate Fridays Off (work schedule) |