bit stuffing
bit stuffing
[′bit ‚stəf·iŋ]bit stuffing
(protocol)The advantage of bit stuffing is that only a bit (not abyte) is inserted in the data stream, and that only when thecontent of the data stream fails to provide a timing signal tothe receiver. Thus very nearly 100% of the bits transportedare useful data. In contrast, asynchronous transmission ofdata "throws away" a start bit and one or more stop bits foreach data byte sent.
bit stuffing
Inserting bits in data in order to break up a bit pattern that may cause the transmission to go out of synchronization. For example, in T1 lines, timing is maintained by detecting a change from 0 to 1. If too many zero bits are transmitted consecutively, the receiving end may lose synchronization because too much time has passed without sensing voltage. Therefore, in long strings of zeros, a set of bits that begins with a 1 and functions as a timing signal is "stuffed" into the stream of zeros at certain intervals.When bits are added to fill out the remainder of a field or frame, it is known as "bit padding." See padding.