Brown Carpathian Cattle

Brown Carpathian Cattle


a breed of dairy-and-meat cattle; first bred in the 19th century by crossing the indigenous brown mountain Carpathian cattle and the gray Transcarpathian cattle with bulls of the Gornoinskaia, Montafon, and Schwyz breeds, and partly with the Allgäu breed. Most of the livestock have a strong, sturdy constitution, a massive but not clumsy skeleton, and a somewhat elongated head. They are brown with a light stripe along the spine. The liveweight of bulls is 600-750 kg; of cows, 425-450 kg. The milk yield is 2,500-3,000 kg, with a maximum of up to 6,000 kg. The fat content of the milk is 3.6-3.8 percent. The dressed weight is 52-53 percent. Breeding work is directed toward increasing productivity and is conducted by pure breeding and crossing with Lebedin and other breeds. Brown Carpathian cattle are raised chiefly in the Transcarpathian and Chernovtsy oblasts.