

单词 birth defects
释义 DictionarySeecongenital disorder

birth defects

birth defects,

abnormalities in physical or mental structure or function that are present at birth. They range from minor to seriously deforming or life-threatening. A major defect of some type occurs in approximately 3% of all births. Defects may be genetic in origin, as in Down syndromeDown syndrome,
congenital disorder characterized by mild to severe mental retardation, slow physical development, and characteristic physical features. Down syndrome affects about 1 in every 730 live births and occurs in all populations equally.
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, Tay-Sachs diseaseTay-Sachs disease
, rare hereditary disease caused by a genetic mutation that leaves the body unable to produce an enzyme necessary for fat metabolism in nerve cells, producing central nervous system degeneration.
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, sickle cell diseasesickle cell disease
or sickle cell anemia,
inherited disorder of the blood in which the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin pigment in erythrocytes (red blood cells) is abnormal.
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, and hemophiliahemophilia
, genetic disease in which the clotting ability of the blood is impaired and excessive bleeding results. The disease is transmitted through females but almost invariably affects male offspring only.
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, or may be the result of infections, such as rubellarubella
or German measles,
acute infectious disease of children and young adults. It is caused by a filterable virus that is spread by droplet spray from the respiratory tract of an infected individual.
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 and sexually transmitted diseasessexually transmitted disease
(STD) or venereal disease,
term for infections acquired mainly through sexual contact. Five diseases were traditionally known as venereal diseases: gonorrhea, syphilis, and the less common granuloma inguinale, lymphogranuloma venereum, and
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. Other teratogenic (malformation-causing) agents include drugs or hormones taken by the mother (e.g., thalidomidethalidomide
, sleep-inducing drug found to produce skeletal defects in developing fetuses. The drug was marketed in Europe, especially in West Germany and Britain, from 1957 to 1961, and was thought to be so safe that it was sold without prescription.
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or diethylstilbestrol
, synthetic nonsteroid female sex hormone having the same physiological effects as estrogen. In the 1940s and 50s DES was mistakenly believed to reduce the risk of miscarriage and was routinely prescribed for pregnant women believed to be at
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) and maternal illnesses (e.g., diabetesdiabetes
or diabetes mellitus
, chronic disorder of glucose (sugar) metabolism caused by inadequate production or use of insulin, a hormone produced in specialized cells (beta cells in the islets of Langerhans) in the pancreas that allows the body to use and store
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). The mother's nutrition, drinking (see fetal alcohol syndromefetal alcohol syndrome
(FAS), pattern of physical, developmental, and psychological abnormalities seen in babies born to mothers who consumed alcohol during pregnancy. The abnormalities include low birthweight, facial deformities, and mental retardation, and there appears to be
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), smokingsmoking,
inhalation and exhalation of the fumes of burning tobacco in cigars and cigarettes and pipes. Some persons draw the smoke into their lungs; others do not. Smoking was probably first practiced by the indigenous peoples of the Western Hemisphere.
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, and drug abuse, as well as exposure to toxic chemicals and radiation, can also affect the developing fetus. Smoking, drugs, toxic chemicals, and the like can also damage the father's sperm, which may pass on the defect to the embryo in fertilization. The incidence of some disorders is elevated when the mother or father is older, which increases the likelihood of age-related gene mutations. Certain birth defects can now be detected prenatally through amniocentesisamniocentesis
, diagnostic procedure in which a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding a fetus is removed from the uterus by means of a fine needle inserted through the abdomen of the pregnant woman (see pregnancy).
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 and chorionic villus samplingchorionic villus sampling
(CVS) or chorionic villus biopsy
(CVB) , diagnostic procedure in which a sample of chorionic villi from the developing placenta is removed from the uterus of a pregnant woman (see pregnancy) using a fine needle inserted through the abdomen or
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. Surgical procedures to correct certain disorders before birth are still considered experimental.

Birth Defects

Birth Defects



Birth defects are physical abnormalities that are present at birth; they also are called congenital abnormalities. More than 3,000 have been identified.


Birth defects are found in 2-3% of all newborn infants. This rate doubles in the first year, and reaches 10% by age five, as more defects become evident and can be diagnosed. Almost 20% of deaths in newborns are caused by birth defects.Abnormalities can occur in any major organ or part of the body. Major defects are structural abnormalities that affect the way a person looks and require medical and/or surgical treatment. Minor defects are abnormalities that do not cause serious health or social problems. When multiple birth defects occur together and have a similar cause, they are called syndromes. If two or more defects tend to appear together but do not share the same cause, they are called associations.

Causes and symptoms

The specific cause of many congenital abnormalities is unknown, but several factors associated with pregnancy and delivery can increase the risk of birth defects.


Any substance that can cause abnormal development of the egg in the mother's womb is called a teratogen. In the first two months after conception, the developing organism is called an embryo; developmental stages from two months to birth are called fetal. Growth is rapid, and each body organ has a critical period in which it is especially sensitive to outside influences. About 7% of all congenital defects are caused by exposure to teratogens.DRUGS. Only a few drugs are known to cause birth defects, but all have the potential to cause harm. For example, in 2003, a study found that use of topical (local) corticosteroids in the first trimester of pregnancy may be associated with cleft lip. Thalidomide is known to cause defects of the arms and legs; several other types also cause problems.
  • Alcohol. Drinking large amounts of alcohol while pregnant causes a cluster of defects called fetal alcohol syndrome, which includes mental retardation, The specific cause of many birth defects is unknown, but several factors associated with pregnancy and delivery can increase the risk of birth defects. These factors include exposure to teratogens, drugs and other chemicals, exposure to radiation, and infections present in the womb.The specific cause of many birth defects is unknown, but several factors associated with pregnancy and delivery can increase the risk of birth defects. These factors include exposure to teratogens, drugs and other chemicals, exposure to radiation, and infections present in the womb. (Illustration by Electronic Illustrators Group.)heart problems, and growth deficiency. In 2004, experts warned that binge drinking early in pregnancy was dangerous even if the woman quit drinking later.
  • Antibiotics. Certain antibiotics are known tetratogens. Tetracycline affects bone growth and discolors the teeth. Drugs used to treat tuberculosis can lead to hearing problems and damage to a nerve in the head (cranial damage).
  • Anticonvulsants. Drugs given to prevent seizures can cause serious problems in the developing fetus, including mental retardation and slow growth. Studies in the United Kingdom and Australia have tracked the percentage of birth defects caused by certain antiepileptic drugs.
  • Antipsychotic and antianxiety agents. Several drugs given for anxiety and mental illness are known to cause specific defects.
  • Antineoplastic agents. Drugs given to treat cancer can cause major congenital malformations, especially central nervous system defects. They also may be harmful to the health care worker who is giving them while pregnant.
  • Hormones. Male hormones may cause masculinization of a female fetus. A synthetic estrogen (DES) given in the 1940s and 1950s caused an increased risk of cancer in the adult female children of the mothers who received the drug.
  • Recreational drugs. Drugs such as LSD have been associated with arm and leg abnormalities and central nervous system problems in infants. Crack cocaine also has been associated with birth defects. Since drug abusers tend to use many drugs and have poor nutrition and prenatal care, it is hard to determine the effects of individual drugs.
CHEMICALS. Environmental chemicals such as fungicides, food additives, and pollutants are suspected of causing birth defects, though this is difficult to prove.RADIATION. Exposure of the mother to high levels of radiation can cause small skull size (microcephaly), blindness, spina bifida, and cleft palate. How severe the defect is depends on the duration and timing of the exposure.INFECTIONS. Three viruses are known to harm a developing baby: rubella, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and herpes simplex. Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that can be contracted from undercooked meat, from dirt, or from handling the feces of infected cats, causes serious problems. Untreated syphilis in the mother also is harmful.

Genetic factors

A gene is a tiny, invisible unit containing information (DNA) that guides how the body forms and functions. Each individual inherits tens of thousands of genes from each parent, arranged on 46 chromosomes. Genes control all aspects of the body, how it works, and all its unique characteristics, including eye color and body size. Genes are influenced by chemicals and radiation, but sometimes changes in the genes are unexplained accidents. Each child gets half of its genes from each parent. In each pair of genes one will take precedence (dominant) over the other (recessive) in determining each trait, or characteristic. Birth defects caused by dominant inheritance include a form of dwarfism called achondroplasia; high cholesterol; Huntington's disease, a progressive nervous system disorder; Marfan syndrome, which affects connective tissue; some forms of glaucoma, and polydactyly (extra fingers or toes).

Key terms

Chromosome — One of the bodies in the cell nucleus that carries genes. There are normally 46 chromosomes in humans.Cleft lip and palate — An opening in the lip, the roof of the mouth (hard palate), or the soft tissue in the back of the mouth (soft palate).Embryo — The developing baby from conception to the end of the second month.Fetus — In humans, the developing organism from the end of the eighth week to the moment of birth.Gene — The The functional unit of heredity that directs all growth and development of an organism. Each human being has more than 100,000 genes that determine hair color, body build, and all other traits.Neural tube defects — A group of birth defects that affect the backbone and sometimes the spinal chord.Rubella — A mild, highly contagious childhood illness caused by a virus; it is also called German measles. It causes severe birth defects if a pregnant woman is not immune and gets the illness in the first three months of pregnancy.Spina bifida — One of the more common birth defects in which the backbone never closes.Trait — A distinguishing feature of an individual.Virus — A very small organism that causes infection and needs a living cell to reproduce.If both parents carry the same recessive gene, they have a one-in-four chance that the child will inherit the disease. Recessive diseases are severe and may lead to an early death. They include sickle cell anemia, a blood disorder that affects blacks, and Tay-Sachs disease, which causes mental retardation in people of eastern European Jewish heritage. Two recessive disorders that affect mostly whites are: cystic fibrosis, a lung and digestive disorder, and phenylketonuria (PKU), a metabolic disorder. If only one parent passes along the genes for the disorder, the normal gene received from the other parent will prevent the disease, but the child will be a carrier. Having the gene is not harmful to the carrier, but there is the 25% chance of the genetic disease showing up in the child of two carriers.Some disorders are linked to the sex-determining chromosomes passed along by parents. Hemophilia, a condition that prevents blood from clotting, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which causes muscle weakness, are carried on the X chromosome. Genetic defects also can take place when the egg or sperm are forming if the mother or father passes along some faulty gene material. This is more common in older mothers. The most common defect of this kind is Down syndrome, a pattern of mental retardation and physical abnormalities, often including heart defects, caused by inheriting three copies of a chromosome rather than the normal pair.A less understood cause of birth defects results from the interaction of genes from one or both parents plus environmental influences. These defects are thought to include:
  • Cleft lip and palate, which are malformations of the mouth.
  • Clubfoot, ankle or foot deformities.
  • Spina bifida, an open spine caused when the tube that forms the brain and spinal chord does not close properly.
  • Water on the brain (hydrocephalus), which causes brain damage.
  • Diabetes mellitus, an abnormality in sugar metabolism that appears later in life.
  • Heart defects.
  • Some forms of cancer.
A serious illness in the mother, such as an under-active thyroid, or diabetes mellitus, in which her body cannot process sugar, also can cause birth defects in the child. In fact, in 2003, it was shown that babies of diabetic mothers are five times as likely to have structural heart defects as other babies. An abnormal amount of amniotic fluid may indicate or cause birth defects. Amniotic fluid is the liquid that surrounds and protects the unborn child in the uterus. Too little of this fluid can interfere with lung or limb development. Too much amniotic fluid can accumulate if the fetus has a disorder that interferes with swallowing. In 2003, a study linked the mother's weight to risk of birth defects. Obese women were about three times more likely to have an infant with spina bifida or omphalocele (protrusion of part of the intestine through the abdominal wall) than women of average weight. Women who were overweight or classified as obese also were twice as likely to have an infant with a heart defect or multiple birth defects than women classified as average weight.


If there is a family history of birth defects or if the mother is over 35 years old, then screening tests can be done during pregnancy to gain information about the health of the baby.
  • Alpha-fetoprotein test. This is a simple blood test that measures the level of a substance called alpha-fetoprotein that is associated with some major birth defects. An abnormally high or low level may indicate the need for further testing.
  • Ultrasound. The use of sound waves to examine the shape, function, and age of the fetus is a common procedure. It also can detect many malformations, such as spina bifida, limb defects, and heart and kidney problems. In 2003, researchers in England announced a new combination of blood tests and ultrasound to detect Down syndrome sooner and more accurately than with the usual blood screenings done at 20 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Amniocentesis. This test usually is done between the 13th and 15th weeks of pregnancy. A small sample of amniotic fluid is withdrawn through a thin needle inserted into the mother's abdomen. Chromosomal analysis can rule out Down syndrome and other genetic conditions.
  • Chorionic villus sampling (CVS). This test can be done as early as the ninth week of pregnancy to identify chromosome disorders and some genetic conditions. A thin needle is inserted through the abdomen or a slim tube is inserted through the vagina that takes a tiny tissue sample for testing.
If a birth defect is suspected after a baby is born, then confirmation of the diagnosis is very important. The patient's medical records and medical history may hold essential information. A careful physical examination and laboratory tests should be done. Special diagnostic tests also can provide genetic information in some cases. In 2003, the March of Dimes, a nonprofit organization, recommended that every baby born in the United States receive, at minimum, screening for the same core group of birth defects including phenylketonuria, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, congenital hypothryroidism, biotinidase deficiency, and others. They were concerned that newborn screening varied too much from state to state.


Treatment depends on the type of birth defect and how serious it is. When an abnormality has been identified before birth, delivery can be planned at a health care facility that is prepared to offer any special care needed. Some abnormalities can be corrected with surgery. Experimental procedures have been used successfully in correcting some defects, like excessive fluid in the brain (hydrocephalus), even before the baby is born. Early reports have shown success with fetal surgery on spina bifida patients. By operating on these fetuses while still in the womb, surgeons have prevented the need for shunts and improved outcomes at birth for many newborns. However, long-term studies still are needed. Patients with complicated conditions usually need the help of experienced medical and educational specialists with an understanding of the disorder.


The prognosis for a disorder varies with the specific condition.


Pregnant women should eat a nutritious diet. Taking folic acid supplements before and during pregnancy reduces the risk of having a baby with serious problems of the brain or spinal chord (neural tube defects). It is important to avoid any teratogen that can harm the developing baby, including alcohol and drugs. When there is a family history of congenital defects in either parent, genetic counseling and testing can help parents plan for future children. Often, counselors can determine the risk of a genetic condition occurring and the availability of tests for it. Talking to a genetic counselor after a child is born with a defect can provide parents with information about medical management and available community resources.



"Babies of Diabetic Mothers Have Fivefold Increase in Structural Heart Defects." Diabetes Week (October 6, 2003): 8.Bauer, Jeff. "Researchers Link Momós Weight to Babyós Risk of Birth Defects." RN (August 2003): 97-102."Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Is Still a Threat, Says Publication." Science Letter (September 28, 2004): 448."Fetal Diagnostic Test Combo Shows Promise." Health & Medicine Week (October 27, 2003): 224."Fetal Surgery for Spina Bifida Shows Benefits in Leg Function, Fewer Shunts." Health & Medicine Week (October 20, 2003): 608."March of Dimes Pushes Newborn Screening." Diagnostics & Imaging Week (July 31, 2003): 10-11."Studies Reveal Risk of Birth Defects from AEDs." Pharma Marketletter (September 13, 2004)."Topical Corticosteroids Use During Pregnancy May Associate With Cleft Lip." Biotech Week (September 24, 2003): 190.


March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation. 1275 Mamaroneck Ave., White Plains, NY 10605. (914) 428-7100. resourcecenter@modimes.org. http://www.modimes.org.


March of Dimes. Public Health Education Information Sheets.

Patient discussion about Birth Defects

Q. Is it a birth defect in children? I know about the causes of autism. Is it a birth defect in children?A. it's not an easy answer i'm afraid...there are congenital differences, but no "birth defect" that we can detect. there's a good pdf file that gives a full explanation about it...i think you'll find it useful:

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