

单词 cvr


Contingent Value Right

A right attached to a stock entitling the holder to the difference between the share price and some stated amount of money should the share price not exceed that amount in a given period of time. CVRs are most often attached to stocks after a merger or acquisition to encourage shareholders not to sell, and to give the new situation a chance to become profitable.


See contingent value right.


CVRCover (postal stationery)
CVRCockpit Voice Recorder
CVRConcealed Vertical Rod
CVRCombat Vehicle Recconaissance (armored fighting vehicles; various locations)
CVRConfiguration Verification Review
CVRChange Verification Record
CVRCircuit Validation Response
CVRContraceptive Vaginal Ring (drug delivery device)
CVRCPAM (Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation) Volume Ratio (cardiology)
CVRComputerized Vehicle Registration
CVRConversion Rate
CVRContingent Value Right (stock)
CVRCentre for Vision Research (York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
CVRCertified Verbatim Reporter
CVRCentral Valley Reefers
CVRCommunauté de Communes du Vendômois Rural (French: Community of Municipalities of Rural Vendôme; Vendôme, France)
CVRCentral Business Register (Denmark)
CVRConservation Voltage Reduction (power industry)
CVRCircuits Voyages Renaux (French travel agency)
CVRCardiac Valve Regurgitation
CVRClaye Véhicule Rétro (French automobile club)
CVRCardiovascular Recovery
CVRCost Value Reconciliation
CVRCompagnie Vinicole des Rivesaltes (French winery)
CVRContinuously Variable Regulator
CVRControlled Ventricular Response
CVRCell Delay Variation
CVRConservation Voltage Regulation (energy conservation)
CVRContent Validity Ratio (Statistical analysis)
CVRCode de la Voirie Routière (French: Code of Road Traffic)
CVRChemical Vapor Reaction
CVRCenter Vertical Restraint
CVRContributor Value Rating (sports statistic)
CVRCurrent Viewing Resistor
CVRCrystal Video Receiver
CVRCentralized Voter Registration
CVRChapter-Verse Reference
CVRChange Verification Record (NASA)
CVRComputer Voice Response
CVRClassified Visit Request
CVRConverted Rights
CVRCentrale Virksomheds Registrering (number)
CVRCost Variance Report
CVRCredential Verification Review (New York State Office of the Medicaid Inspector General)
CVRCost, Value and Risk




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