Acronym | Definition |
CORA➣Central Ohio Reef Aquarists |
CORA➣Computer Orientated Reproducer Assembly |
CORA➣Computerized Registration and Approval |
CORA➣Configuration and Resource Allocation |
CORA➣Cincinnati Off-Road Alliance (Cincinnati, OH) |
CORA➣Community Overcoming Relationship Abuse (San Mateo, California) |
CORA➣Common Raven |
CORA➣Congress of Residential Architecture |
CORA➣Commission on Religion in Appalachia |
CORA➣Certificate of Risk Acceptance (safety) |
CORA➣California Outdoor Rollerskating Association |
CORA➣Corporate and Regulatory Affairs |
CORA➣Coordinating Responsible Authority |
CORA➣Conflict Resolution Assistant |
CORA➣Corporación de la Reforma Agraria (Spanish: Corporation of the Agrarian Reformation, Chile) |
CORA➣Cost Of Remedial Action |
CORA➣Computer - Oral Response Activated |
CORA➣Cost of Risk Allocation |
CORA➣Corrupt Organizations and Racketeering Activity Act (Connecticut) |
CORA➣Canadian Ocean Resource Associates, Inc. |
CORA➣Court of Restitution Appeals (Nuremberg, Germany) |