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American Society of Allied Health Professionals (ASAHP) an association of allied health professionals dedicated to the improvement of health care by enhancing the effectiveness of education for allied health professionals and the public's appreciation and support of the professions. The expertise of allied health professionals spans every facet of the health care system, including such specialties as audiology, dental hygiene, dietetics, medical, radiological, and microbiological technology, nutrition, occupational and physical therapy, respiratory care, speech-language pathology, and other health care professions. ASAHP is located at 1101 Connecticut Avenue N.W., Suite 700, Washington D.C. 20036.ASAHPAssociation of Schools of Allied Health Professions.ASAHP
Acronym | Definition |
ASAHP➣Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions (est. 1967; Washington, DC) | ASAHP➣As Soon As Humanly Possible | ASAHP➣American Society of Allied Health Professionals |