Berte-Delagard, Aleksandr Lvovich
Bert’e-Delagard, Aleksandr L’vovich
Born 1842, in Sevastopol’; died 1920, in Yalta. Russian archaeologist and numismatist.
Bert’e-Delagard became vice-president and virtual leader of the Odessa Society of History and Antiquities in 1899. His major works are on archaeology and the history of coin minting in the ancient cities of the North Black Sea area. He was one of the first to use metrological data in the study of monetary circulation. Bert’e-Delagard studied the historical geography of the southern USSR in antiquity and the Middle Ages.
“Raskopki Khersonesa.” In the collection Materialy po arkheologii Rossii, no. 12. St. Petersburg, 1893.“O Khersonese.” In the collection Izv. arkheologicheskoi komissii, issue 21. St. Petersburg, 1907.
“Otnositel’naia stoimost’ monetnykh metallov na Bospore i Borisfene ν polovine IV v. do n. e.” In the book Numizmaticheskii sbornik, vol. 1. Moscow, 1911.
“Materialy dlia vesovykh issledovanii monetnykh sistem drevnegrecheskikh gorodov i tsarei Sarmatii i Tavridy.” Ibid., vol. 2. Moscow, 1913.
“Issledovaniia nekotorykh nedoumennykh voprosov srednevekov’ia ν Tavride.” Izv. Tavricheskoi uchenoi arkhivnoi komissii, 1920, no. 57.