释义 |
zero in
ze·ro Z0011100 (zîr′ō, zē′rō)n. pl. ze·ros or ze·roes 1. The numerical symbol 0; a cipher.2. Mathematics a. The identity element for addition.b. A cardinal number indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration.c. An ordinal number indicating an initial point or origin.d. An argument at which the value of a function vanishes.3. The temperature indicated by the numeral 0 on a thermometer.4. A sight setting that enables a firearm to shoot on target.5. Informal One having no influence or importance; a nonentity: a manager who was a total zero.6. The lowest point: His prospects were approaching zero.7. Informal Nothing; nil: Today I accomplished zero.adj.1. Of, relating to, or being zero.2. a. Having no measurable or otherwise determinable value.b. Informal Not any; no: "The town has ... practically no opportunities for amusement, zero culture" (Robert M. Adams).3. Meteorology a. Designating a ceiling not more than 16 meters (52 feet) high.b. Limited in horizontal visibility to no more than 55 meters (180 feet).4. Linguistics Of or relating to a morpheme that is expected by an established, regular paradigm but has no spoken or written form. Moose has a zero plural; that is, its plural is moose.tr.v. ze·roed, ze·ro·ing, ze·roes To adjust (an instrument or a device) to zero value.Phrasal Verbs: zero in1. a. To aim or concentrate firepower on an exact target location.b. To adjust the aim or sight of by repeated firings.2. To converge intently; close in: The children zeroed in on the display of toys in the store window. zero out1. To reduce to zero.2. To eliminate (a budget or budget item) by cutting off funding. [Italian, from alteration of Medieval Latin zephirum, from Arabic ṣifr, nothing, cipher; see cipher.]zero in vb (adverb) 1. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) (often foll by on) to bring (a weapon) to bear (on a target), as while firing repeatedly2. informal (foll by: on) to bring one's attention to bear (on a problem, etc)3. informal (foll by: on) to converge (upon): the police zeroed in on the site of the crime. ThesaurusVerb | 1. | zero in - direct onto a point or target, especially by automatic navigational aidshome in, range intarget, direct, aim, place, point - intend (something) to move towards a certain goal; "He aimed his fists towards his opponent's face"; "criticism directed at her superior"; "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself" | | 2. | zero in - adjust (as by firing under test conditions) the zero of (a gun); "He zeroed in his rifle at 200 yards"zeroadjust, correct, set - alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard; "Adjust the clock, please"; "correct the alignment of the front wheels" |
zeronoun1. Informal. A totally insignificant person:cipher, nebbish, nobody, nonentity, nothing.Informal: pip-squeak.Slang: shrimp, zilch.2. Informal. No thing; not anything:nil, nothing, null.Slang: nix, zilch.Archaic: aught.phrasal verb zero inTo move (a weapon or blow, for example) in the direction of someone or something:aim, cast, direct, head, level, point, set, train, turn.Military: lay.Translationszero in
zero in1. To aim or direct one's line of vision at something. Can you have the camera zero in on that tree? The soldiers zeroed in on the enemy bunker.2. To get incrementally closer to something, such as a physical location or the understanding of a concept. Authorities were able to zero in on the compound by using satellite imagery. It has taken multiple drafts, but I think I'm finally zeroing in on the right tone for my novel. The fugitive later admitted that he could sense the police zeroing in.3. To focus one's attention on something. Critics seem to have really zeroed in on a single scene in the film, and I think they're missing some important points elsewhere. I love how my toddler zeroes in on new words when she hears them.See also: zerozero in (on someone or something)to aim directly at someone or something. The television camera zeroed in on the little boy scratching his head. The commercial zeroed in on the glass of cola. Mary is very good about zeroing in on the most important and helpful ideas.See also: zerozero inv.1. To aim or focus something, such as a weapon or telescope, toward a specific target or location: The enemy spotted the approaching aircraft and zeroed in their missiles. Zero the telescopes in on the watchtower.2. To identify with increasing accuracy a property of something, especially its location: We are finally zeroing in on the location of the smuggling ring. 3. To adjust the aim or sight of a weapon by repeated firings: The soldiers fired a few rounds in order to zero in their rifles. I zeroed the gun in at 100 yards. 4. zero in on To direct one's gaze or attention to something: The children zeroed in on the display of toys in the store window.See also: zerozero in
zero in[′zir·ō ′in] (ordnance) To adjust the sight settings of a weapon by calibrated results of firings. To adjust any device to another so that automatic synchronization results. FinancialSeezerozero in
Synonyms for zero inverb direct onto a point or target, especially by automatic navigational aidsSynonymsRelated Words- target
- direct
- aim
- place
- point
verb adjust (as by firing under test conditions) the zero of (a gun)SynonymsRelated Words |