Zasodimskii, Pavel
Zasodimskii, Pavel Vladimirovich
Born Nov. 1 (13), 1843, in Velikii Ustiug; died May 4 (17), 1912, in Opechenskii Posad, now in Borovichi Raion, Novgorod Oblast. Russian writer; participant in the “Going to the People” movement.
The main theme of Zasodimskii’s work is the life of the urban poor and the peasantry of the postreform period (Chronicle of the Village of Smurino, 1874;Tales From the Life of the Poor, 1876; and Steppe Secrets, 1880). A criticism of the bases of the social structure was combined in his works with enlightenment illusions and a populist idealization of the commune. Zasodimskii also wrote for children and commented on public events.
Sobr. soch., vols. 1-2. St. Petersburg, 1895.Iz vospominanii. Moscow, 1908.
Gura, V. “Zasodimskii i ego ‘Khronika sela Smurina.’” In his book Iz rodnikov zhizni. [Vologda] 1964.Iakushin, N. I. Po gradam i vesiam: Ocherk zhizni i tvorchestva P. V. Zasodimskogo. [Vologda] 1965.