

 [voo″ker-e´re-ah] a genus of nematodes" >nematodes of the superfamily filarioidea that affect mainly humans in warmer regions of the world. W. bancrof´ti causes elephantiasis, lymphangitis, and chyluria by interfering with the lymphatic circulation. See also filariasis.


(vū'kĕr-e'rē-ă), A genus of filarial nematodes (family Onchocercidae, superfamily Filarioidea) characterized by adult forms that live chiefly in lymphatic vessels and produce large numbers of embryos or microfilariae that circulate in the bloodstream (microfilaremia), often appearing in the peripheral blood at regular intervals. The extreme form of this infection (wuchereriasis or filariasis) is elephantiasis or pachyderma.


(vū-kĕr-ē'rē-ă) A genus of filarial nematodes characterized by adult forms that live chiefly in lymphatic vessels and produce large numbers of embryos or microfilariae that circulate in the bloodstream (microfilaremia), often appearing in the peripheral blood at regular intervals. The extreme form of this infection (wuchereriasis or filariasis) is elephantiasis or pachydermia.


Otto, German physician, 1820-1873. Wuchereria bancrofti - the bancroftian filaria.Wuchereria - genus of filarial nematodes.wuchereriasis - infection with worms of the genus Wuchereria.