Wooden Boat Festival

Wooden Boat Festival

Late June to early JulySince 1977, the Lake Union Wooden Boat Festival has been held each year from late June to early July in Seattle, Wash. The festival runs during the week preceding Independence Day and celebrates the maritime heritage of the Northwest region. Attracting about 10,000 participants each year, the Wooden Boat Festival is sponsored by the Center for Wooden Boats, a "hands-on maritime museum" located at the south end of Lake Union on Valley Street. The Center is dedicated to preserving the traditions and skills of small craft sailing. It maintains a fleet of historic craft, which are available to rent from its livery year-round, though not during the festival. The Wooden Boat Festival includes boatbuilding demonstrations, storytelling, boat rides and races, sailing lessons, safety education, knot tying, and model boat workshops. Food and music add to the festival atmosphere.
Center for Wooden Boats
1010 Valley St.
Seattle, WA 98109-4468
206-382-2628; fax: 206-382-2699
PatHols-2006, p. 166