Western Heritage Historic Byway

Western Heritage Historic Byway

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:c/o Kuna Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 123
Kuna, ID 83634

Web: www.byways.org/browse/byways/2593/ Description:Byway traverses dramatic landscapes, historic sites, and 21miles of the 600,000-acre Snake River Birds of Prey NationalConservation Area, home to the densest population of breedingraptors in North America. The conservation area is used by 24 speciesof birds of prey including hawks, eagles, falcons, osprey, harriers,and owls. Areas of interest along the byway include historic Kuna, theSilver Trail, Swan Falls Dam, and Celebration Park, Idaho's firstarcheological park.
Legth: 40 miles. Start/Endpoint: From Meridian, byway runs along ID 69 to East Avalon Avenue in Kuna, then south on Swan Falls Road to Swan Falls Dam. Time to Allow: 1 hour. Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (2005).

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