

单词 aef



or A.E.F.,

American Expeditionary Force.



see World War IWorld War I,
1914–18, also known as the Great War, conflict, chiefly in Europe, among most of the great Western powers. It was the largest war the world had yet seen.
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Abbreviation for:
Aggregate External Finance (Medspeak-UK)
allogenic effect factor
aorto-enteric fistula
aryepiglottic fold
atrial ejection force
atrial ejection fraction
auditory-evoked field
LegalSeeWorld War IFinancialSeeAfrica Enterprise Fund


AEFAmerican Expeditionary Force
AEFAllied Expeditionary Force
AEFAir and Space Expeditionary Force (USAF, formerly Aerospace Expeditionary Force)
AEFAmerican Eagle Foundation
AEFAerospace Expeditionary Force (USAF, now Air and Space Expeditionary Force)
AEFAdvertising Educational Foundation
AEFAsia Education Foundation
AEFAerospace Education Foundation (Air Force Association)
AEFAnnuaire des Entreprises de France (French: Business Directory of France)
AEFAir Expeditionary Force(s)
AEFAssociation d'Economie Financière (French: Financial Economics Association)
AEFAlternating Electric Field
AEFAggregate External Finance
AEFArizona Educational Foundation (est. 1983)
AEFAmyloid-Enhancing Factor
AEFAfrique Équatoriale Française (French: French Equatorial Africa; est. 1910)
AEFAuditory Evoked Field (neural activity)
AEFAteliers d'Emboutissage de Faulquemont (French automotive parts company; Faulquemont, France)
AEFArtisans Ebénistes de France (French: Artisan Cabinetmakers of France)
AEFAboriginal Evangelical Fellowship (Australia)
AEFAlternating Electric Field (physics)
AEFApplication Extension Facility (IBM)
AEFAfrica Enterprise Fund
AEFAdvanced Electronics Field
AEFAlliance Evangélique Française (French: French Evangelical Alliance)
AEFAlberta Emerald Foundation (Canada)
AEFArbeitsgemeinschaft Extraterrestrische Forschung (German: Extraterrestrial Research Association)
AEFAeromedical Evacuation Flight
AEFAccess Control Enforcement Function
AEFAMSOIL Engine Flush (various locations)
AEFAthens Environmental Foundation (Athens, Greece)
AEFActivity Evaluation Form (various schools)
AEFAdaptive Edge Fundamentals (Hewlett-Packard)
AEFAir Experience Flying
AEFAmerican Endowment Foundation (Hudson, OH)
AEFAccreditation Evaluation Form
AEFAllons en France (French: Come to France; annual contest; French Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs)
AEFAmerican Enuresis Foundation
AEFAccurate Environmental Forecasting, Inc (Narragansett, RI, USA)
AEFAerospace Engineering Facility
AEFAll Else Failed (band)
AEFAurora Education Foundation (Aurora, CO)
AEFAbout Extra Fine (coin grading)
AEFAtmospheric Electric Field
AEFAirborne Equipment Failure
AEFArgonne Experimental Facility
AEFAtmosphere Environmental File
AEFActive Emitter File
AEFArea Enhancement Factor
AEFAuxiliary Electrician Forward
AEFAlternative Electronic Filing
AEFActive Element Factor




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