tell a different, another, etc. tale/story

tell a different story

To give an account or provide information that differs from or conflicts with what someone else has said. The company's official statement would lead you to believe his resignation was voluntary, but he's been telling a different story in recent interviews. He claims the albums has done exceptionally well, but these sales charts tell a different story.See also: different, story, tell

tell a different tale

To give an account or provide information that differs from or conflicts with what someone else has said. The company's official statement would lead you to believe his resignation was voluntary, but he's been telling a different tale in recent interviews. He claims the albums has done exceptionally well, but these sales charts tell a different tale.See also: different, tale, tell

tell another story

To give an account or provide information that differs from or conflicts with what someone else has said. The company's official statement would lead you to believe his resignation was voluntary, but he's been telling another story in recent interviews. He claims the albums has done exceptionally well, but these sales charts tell another story.See also: another, story, tell

tell another tale

To give an account or provide information that differs from or conflicts with what someone else has said. The company's official statement would lead you to believe his resignation was voluntary, but he's been telling another tale in recent interviews. He claims the albums has done exceptionally well, but these sales charts tell another tale.See also: another, tale, tell

tell a ˈdifferent, aˈnother, etc. tale/story

give some information that is different from what you expect or have been told: She sounded very calm, but her face told a different story.See also: story, tale, tell