Committee of Party Control
Committee of Party Control
a committee of the Central Committee of the CPSU, created according to the rules adopted by the Nineteenth Congress of the CPSU in 1952; it replaced the Commission of Party Control of the Central Committee of the ACP (Bolshevik).
The committee is organized by the Central Committee of the party. The Committee of Party Control “(1) verifies the observance of party discipline by members and candidate members of the CPSU, takes action against Communists who violate the Party Program and the Rules of the Party and party or state discipline, and takes action against the violators of party morals (those who deceive the party, those who are dishonest and insincere to the party, those who are guilty of slander, bureaucratic pettiness, dissolute living, etc.); (2) considers appeals against the decisions of the central committees of the Communist parties of the Union republics or of krai and oblast party committees to expel members from the party or impose party penalties upon them” (Rules of the CPSU, 1972, sec. 34).
The November Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1962) reorganized the entire system of control in the USSR. The Committee of Party and State Control of the Central Committee of the CPSU and of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was created, as well as the Party Commission of the Central Committee of the CPSU. The December Plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (1965) transformed the organs of party and state control into organs of people’s control, and the Committee of Party Control was restored.
The Committee of Party Control strictly adheres to V. I. Lenin’s precepts on the purity of the party ranks. It analyzes questions concerning the strengthening of party discipline and the increased responsibility of Communists in the implementation of the policies of the party. The Committee of Party Control observes in its work the highest principle of party organizations, that of collective leadership; this principle provides reliable guaranties for making correct decisions, which are examined from every point of view and are well founded. The most important resolutions of the Committee of Party Control to take action against Communists guilty of having violated the Program and Rules of the CPSU or party and state discipline are published in the central organs of the party press. The Committee of Party Control is headed by a chairman; in addition, it is composed of deputy chairmen and members. Since April 1966, the chairman of the Committee of Party Control has been A. la. Pel’she, a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU.