Acronym | Definition |
SPH➣Singapore Press Holdings Ltd. |
SPH➣School of Public Health |
SPH➣Sphere |
SPH➣Sociaal Pedagogische Hulpverlening (Dutch: Social Work) |
SPH➣Section of Physics |
SPH➣School of Population Health (Australia) |
SPH➣Session Protocol Handler |
SPH➣Specific Product Header |
SPH➣Sets per Hour |
SPH➣Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (modeling dynamic fracture and fragmentation problems) |
SPH➣Self-Propelled Howitzer |
SPH➣Safe Patient Handling |
SPH➣Sheets Per Hour (printing speed) |
SPH➣Sales Per Hour |
SPH➣Solar Pool Heater |
SPH➣Sheepshead (FAO fish species code) |
SPH➣Standard Project Hurricane |
SPH➣Society of Public Health |
SPH➣Service Public Hospitalier (French: Public Service Hospital) |
SPH➣Six-Phase Heating (in-situ resistive heating for soil cleanup) |
SPH➣Sutton Place Hotel |
SPH➣Schwartz, Page & Harding, LLP (law firm; Houston, TX) |
SPH➣Strategically-Placed Hole |
SPH➣Statement of Personal History |
SPH➣Separate Phase Hydrocarbon |
SPH➣Shortest Path Heuristic (programming) |
SPH➣Spend Per Head |
SPH➣Saint Paul's Hospital |
SPH➣Severe/Profound Handicap |
SPH➣Stock Processing & Handling |
SPH➣Sport pour Handicapés (French: Sports for the Disabled; Belgium) |
SPH➣Society of Psychological Hypnosis |
SPH➣Service Profile At Home |
SPH➣Software Process Handbook (ISO 9000.3) |