Konservnaia I Ovoshchesushilnaia Promyshlennost

Konservnaia I Ovoshchesushil’naia Promyshlennost’


(Canning and Vegetable-drying Industry), a monthly scientific-technical and trade journal, the organ of the Ministry of the Food Industry of the USSR and the Central Office of the Scientific and Technical Society of the Food Industry. Founded in Moscow in 1930, the journal was published as Konservnaia promyshlennosf (Canning Industry) from 1930 to 1937 and as Konservnaia i plodoovoshchnaia promyshlennost’ (Canning and Fruit and Vegetable Industry) from 1937 to 1940. Between 1941 and 1956 it was not published, and since 1957 it has been issued under its present title. The publication disseminates information about scientific and technical achievements in the production of canned goods, dried fruits and vegetables, and food concentrates and publicizes the work of production innovators. The journal had a circulation of 5,500 in 1973.