释义 |
DictionarySeeachromocyteSee gallop See gallopTraube, Ludwig
Traube, Ludwig, German physician and pathologist, 1818-1876. Traube bruit - a triple cadence to the heart sounds at rates of 100 beats per minute or more, usually indicative of serious disease. Synonym(s): gallopTraube corpuscle - a hypochromic, crescent-shaped erythrocyte, probably resulting from artifactual rupture of a red cell with loss of hemoglobin. Synonym(s): achromocyteTraube double tone - a double sound heard on auscultation over the femoral vessels in cases of aortic and tricuspid insufficiency.Traube dyspnea - obsolete term for inspiratory dyspnea with maximal expansion of the chest and a slow respiratory rhythm.Traube plugs - Synonym(s): Dittrich plugsTraube semilunar space - a crescentic space about 12 cm wide, just above the costal margin.Traube sign - a double sound or murmur heard in auscultation over arteries in significant aortic regurgitation.Traube-Hering curves - rhythmical variations in blood pressure. Synonym(s): Traube-Hering wavesTraube-Hering waves - Synonym(s): Traube-Hering curvesThesaurusSeegallop |