Trapp-Häser formula

Hä·ser for·mu·la

(hăs'ĕr), a formula to determine the number of grams of urinary solids per liter, obtained by multiplying 2.33 by the last two figures of the specific gravity of the urine. Synonym(s): Christison formula, Trapp formula, Trapp-Häser formula

Trapp-Häser formula

An obsolete method for quantifying solutes in the urine.


Heinrich, German physician, 1811-1884. Häser formula - a formula to determine the number of grams of urinary solids per liter. Synonym(s): Christison formula; Trapp formula; Trapp-Häser formulaTrapp-Häser formula - Synonym(s): Häser formula


Julius, Russian pharmacist, 1815-1908. Trapp formula - Synonym(s): Häser formulaTrapp-Häser formula - Synonym(s): Häser formula