

单词 warbler



W0027200 (wôr′blər)n.1. Any of various small New World songbirds of the family Parulidae, many of which have brightly colored plumage or markings, as the redstart and the yellowthroat. Also called wood warbler.2. Any of various small, often brownish or grayish Old World songbirds of the family Silviidae, as the blackcap and the whitethroat.3. Music One that warbles; a singer.


(ˈwɔːblə) n1. (Music, other) a person or thing that warbles2. (Animals) any small active passerine songbird of the Old World subfamily Sylviinae: family Muscicapidae. They have a cryptic plumage and slender bill and are arboreal insectivores3. (Animals) Also called: wood warbler any small bird of the American family Parulidae, similar to the Old World forms but often brightly coloured


(ˈwɔr blər)

n. 1. Also called wood warbler. any of numerous small New World songbirds of the subfamily Parulinae (family Emberizidae), many species of which are brightly colored. 2. any of numerous small, chiefly Old World songbirds of the subfamily Sylviinae (family Muscicapidae). 3. a person or thing that warbles. [1605–15]
Noun1.warbler - a singerwarbler - a singer; usually a singer who adds embellishments to the songsinger, vocalist, vocalizer, vocaliser - a person who sings
2.warbler - a small active songbirdwarbler - a small active songbird oscine, oscine bird - passerine bird having specialized vocal apparatusgnatcatcher - very small North American and South American warblerskinglet - small birds resembling warblers but having some of the habits of titmiceOld World warbler, true warbler - small active brownish or greyish Old World birdsgreater whitethroat, Sylvia communis, whitethroat - greyish-brown Old World warbler with a white throat and underpartslesser whitethroat, Sylvia curruca, whitethroat - Old World warbler similar to the greater whitethroat but smallerNew World warbler, wood warbler - small bright-colored American songbird with a weak unmusical song


(ˈwoːbl) verb to sing in a trembling voice, as some birds do. The bird was warbling (his song) on a high branch. (某些鳥類)顫音鳴叫 发出颤音 noun an act, or the sound, of warbling. the warble of a bird in summer. 顫音 颤音ˈwarbler noun any of several kinds of small singing bird. 嗚禽 呜禽,鸣鸟



name applied in the New World to members of the wood warbler family (Parulidae) and in the Old World to a large family (Sylviidae) of small, drab, active songsters, including the hedge sparrow, the kingletkinglet,
common name for members of a subfamily of five species of Old and New World warblers, similar to the thrushes and the Old World flycatchers. Kinglets are small birds (4 in./10 cm) with soft, fluffy, olive or grayish green plumage and bright crown patches.
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, and the tailorbird of SE Asia, Orthotomus sutorius, named for its habit of sewing leaves together to make its nest. The American warblers number 119 species of small, generally insectivorous birds of mediocre singing ability. Those found in North America are migratory, spending only the summer north of tropical regions. They are brightly plumed in the spring, usually yellow marked with black, gray, olive green, or white, but after the autumn molt they become uniformly drab. Most are arboreal insect catchers; some, e.g., the black-and-white, the yellow-throated, and the pine warblers, crawl on trees like nuthatches and are sometimes called creepers, e.g., the honey creeper of tropical America. Best known are the yellow warbler, or summer yellowbird (also called wild canary), which often nests in gardens; the myrtle warbler, with a yellow rump patch, found along the Massachusetts coast; the redstart and Blackburnian warblers, both with vivid black and orange plumage; the Maryland yellowthroat, with a distinctive black mask; the black-throated blue and green warblers; and the pileolated, or Wilson's, warbler. There are a few exceptions to the generally low level of vocal ability in the New World warblers. The yellow-breasted chat, the largest (7 1-2 in./18.8 cm) of the warblers, is an excellent singer and mimic. The North American ovenbird, which looks like a miniature thrush, has a melodious flight song and is not to be confused with the true ovenbirds, which belong to the family Furnariidae. The water thrush is also a superior singer. Most warblers build open, cup-shaped nests at moderate heights; they are favored victims of the parasitic cowbird. Warblers are unusual in that they hybridize. They are of inestimable value as destroyers of insect enemies of forest trees. Warblers are classified in the phylum ChordataChordata
, phylum of animals having a notochord, or dorsal stiffening rod, as the chief internal skeletal support at some stage of their development. Most chordates are vertebrates (animals with backbones), but the phylum also includes some small marine invertebrate animals.
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, subphylum Vertebrata, class Aves, order Passeriformes, families Parulidae and Sylviidae.



the name of several genera of small songbirds of the family Sylviidae. These genera include Acrocephalus, Locustella, Phragmaticola, Cettia, and Horeites. The plumage above is brownish and monochromatic or striped; the underside is lighter in color. Males and females are colored alike.

Warblers are found throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa. Inthe USSR there are approximately 20 species, distributed in allzones except the tundra. Many species dwell in shrub thickets orin waterside reeds; some species live in forests or gardens. War-blers are migratory birds. Their nests are usually open; however, sometimes they have roofs. The nests are built in shrubs andreeds or, less often, on the ground. The clutch contains betweenfour and six eggs. Warblers feed on insects, spiders, and smallmollusks.


1. a person or thing that warbles 2. any small active passerine songbird of the Old World subfamily Sylviinae: family Muscicapidae. They have a cryptic plumage and slender bill and are arboreal insectivores 3. any small bird of the American family Parulidae, similar to the Old World forms but often brightly coloured


Related to warbler: pine warbler
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Related to warbler: pine warbler
  • noun

Words related to warbler

noun a singer

Related Words

  • singer
  • vocalist
  • vocalizer
  • vocaliser

noun a small active songbird

Related Words

  • oscine
  • oscine bird
  • gnatcatcher
  • kinglet
  • Old World warbler
  • true warbler
  • greater whitethroat
  • Sylvia communis
  • whitethroat
  • lesser whitethroat
  • Sylvia curruca
  • New World warbler
  • wood warbler




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