Singan Hoe

Singan Hoe


(New Korea Society), a mass organization established in Korea in 1927 to fight the Japanese colonialists; it united workers, peasants, the petite bourgeoisie, a part of the patriotically inclined national bourgeoisie, and representatives from other anti-Japanese forces. The Singan Hoe was formed from the merger of the Minhin Hoe (Society for the Prosperity of the People) and the Singan Hoe, patriotic societies that had arisen in 1926 under the influence of the Communist Party of Korea. It had tens of thousands of members, pursued legal activity, and had branches in all provinces. The communists, by using the local organizations of the Singan Hoe, rallied the patriotic forces in the anti-Japanese struggle. Owing to factional strife, however, the Communist Party failed to act as a vanguard in the struggle. In 1930 the national reformists assumed the leadership of the organization. After 1931 the Singan Hoe no longer existed.


Choson tongsa (History of Korea), vol. 2. Pyongyang, 1958. Pages 269-70.