Sindbis virus

Sind·bis vi·rus

the type species of the genus Alphavirus, in the family Togaviridae, usually transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Culex; and causative agent of Sindbis fever. [village in Egypt where first isolated]

Sind·bis vi·rus

(sind'bis vī'rŭs) The type species of the genus Alphavirus, usually transmitted by mosquitoes of the genus Culex, and causative agent of Sindbis fever. [village in Egypt where first isolated]

Sindbis virus

An Alphavirus typically found in South Africa or Oceania that is disseminated to humans by mosquitoes of the genus Culex. It can cause a transient febrile illness accompanied by a diffuse maculopapular rash and muscle and joint pains. See also: virus


village in Egypt where the fever was first observed in the 1950's. Sindbis fever - a febrile illness of humans in Africa, Australia, and other countries, caused by the Sindbis virus, and characterized by arthralgia, rash, and malaise.Sindbis virus - the type species of the genus Alphavirus, in the family Togaviridae.