Acronym | Definition |
FAPC➣Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church (New York, NY) |
FAPC➣Forces Armées du Peuple Congolais (French: People's Armed Forces of Congo; rebel group; Democratic Republic of Congo) |
FAPC➣Food and Agriculture Planning Committee |
FAPC➣Fonds d'Action en Prévention du Crime (French: Crime Prevention Action Fund; Canada) |
FAPC➣Fast Attack Plate Carrier |
FAPC➣Financial Accounting Policy Committee (Association for Investment Management and Research) |
FAPC➣Fédération Française des Associations des Photographes Créateurs |
FAPC➣Fine Art Print Company (UK) |
FAPC➣Fully Allocated Product Cost |
FAPC➣Finance against Packing Credit |
FAPC➣Field Activity Planning Conference |