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scopometer[skə′päm·əd·ər] (optics) An instrument used to measure the absorption or scattering of light in a solution containing solid particles by measuring the contrast between an illuminated line placed behind the solution and a field of constant brightness. scopometer
scopometer [sko-pom´ĕ-ter] an instrument for measuring the turbidity of a solution by comparing the contrast between an illuminated line viewed through the solution and an illuminated field of the same brightness.sco·pom·e·ter (skō-pom'ĕ-tĕr), A device for determining the density of a precipitate by the degree of translucency of a fluid containing it. See also: nephelometer. [G. skopeō, to view, + metron, measure] scopometerS04-843140 (skō-pŏm′ĕ-tĕr) [Gr. skopein, to examine, + metron, measure] An instrument for measuring the density of a suspension. |