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DictionarySeecrevicegingival crevice
gingival crevice[′jin·jə·vəl ′krev·əs] (anatomy) The space between the free margin of the gingiva and the surface of a tooth. Also known as gingival sulcus. gingival crevice
crevice [krev´is] a fissure.gingival crevice the space between the cervical enamel of a tooth and the overlying unattached gingiva.gin·gi·val sul·cus [TA] the space between the surface of the tooth and the free gingiva. Synonym(s): sulcus gingivalis [TA], gingival crevice, gingival groove, gingival space, subgingival spacegin·gi·val sul·cus (jin'ji-văl sŭl'kŭs) [TA] Space between tooth surface and free gingiva. Synonym(s): gingival crevice, gingival groove. |