Automatic Text Synthesis

Automatic Text Synthesis


(AS), an operation whereby, following programmed grammatical and semantic information, a text in a natural language containing this information is constructed; the operation follows some algorithm in conformity with a description—elaborated in advance—of the particular language. The reverse operation is called automatic text analysis. Automatic text synthesis proceeds in three phases: (1) semantic—the transition from the recording of the meaning of the sentence to its syntactic structure; (2) syntactic—the transition from the syntactic structure of a sentence to a chain of lexical and grammatical characteristics of word forms representing the sentence; (3) lexical and morphological—the transition from the lexical and grammatical characteristics to the actual word form. Automatic text synthesis is a necessary stage in different types of automatic processing of texts, in particular in mechanical translation. Automatic text synthesis should be distinguished from automatic text construction; in the latter operation, correct texts are constructed at will without relation to any prior meaning program.


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Mel’chuk, I. A. “Poriadok slov pri avtomaticheskom sinteze russkovo teksta (predvaritel’noe soobshchenie).” Nauchno-tekhnicheskaia informatsiia, 1965, no. 12, pp. 36–44.
Volotskaia, Z. M. “Formoobrazovanie pri sinteze russkikh slov.” In Soobshcheniia otdela mekhanizatskii i avtomatizatsii informatsionnykh rabot. Issue 2: Lingvisticheskie issledovaniia po mashinnomu perevodu. Moscow, 1961. Pages 169–194.