释义 |
tele-(word root) distantExamples of words with the root tele-: telegraph, telecommunicationstele- or tel-pref.1. Distance; distant: telesthesia.2. a. Telegraph: telegram.b. Telephone: telemarketing.c. Television: telecast. [Greek tēle-, from tēle, far off; see kwel- in Indo-European roots.]tele- or before a vowel tel-combining form1. at or over a distance; distant: telescope; telegony; telekinesis; telemeter. 2. (Broadcasting) television: telecast. 3. (Telecommunications) by means of or via telephone or television[from Greek tele far]tele-1 , 1. a combining form meaning “reaching over a distance,” “carried out between two remote points,” “performed or operating through electronic transmissions”: telegraph; telekinesis; teletypewriter. 2. a combining form representing television: telegenic; telethon. Also, esp. before a vowel, tel-. [comb. form representing Greek têle far, akin to télos end (see teleo-)] tele-2 , var. of teleo- before a vowel: teleost. tele- A prefix that means "at a distance," as in telemetry.tele-enUK
tele-[′tel·ə] (science and technology) Prefix meaning from a distance. tele-enUK
tele- word element [Gr.], operating at a distance, far away.
tele(o)- word element [Gr.], an end.tel- See note at tel-, tele-.End, extremity, completion. [G. telos, end.] tel- , tele-telo- Do not confuse the prefix tele- (rarely abridged to tel-, as in telalgia) and the similar combining form based on Greek telos 'end' (as in telangiectasia, telencephalon, and telophase). Although the senses of these lexical elements overlap slightly, they are derived from unrelated Greek words.1. At a distance. 2. Applied to many terms to indicate that data, usually images, have been transmitted over telecommunications lines, such as telecolposcopy, teleradiology, etc. [G. tēle, far away.] tel- , tele- , telo-Combining forms meaning distance, end, other end. [G. tēle, far away.] |