Simonart bands

Si·mo·nart bands

(sē-mō-nahr'), 1. Synonym(s): amnionic band2. weblike band of tissue partially filling the gap between the medial and lateral portions of a cleft lip.

Si·mo·nart bands

(sē-mō-nahr' bandz) 1. Synonym(s): amnionic band. 2. Weblike band of tissue partially filling the gap between the medial and lateral portions of a cleft lip.


Pierre J.C., Belgian obstetrician, 1817-1847. Simonart bands - weblike band of tissue partially filling the gap between the medial and lateral portions of a cleft lip.Simonart ligaments - Synonym(s): Simonart threadsSimonart threads - strands of amniotic tissue adherent to the embryo or fetus. Synonym(s): amniotic bands; Simonart ligaments

Si·mo·nart bands

(sē-mō-nahr' bandz) Weblike band of tissue partially filling gap between medial and lateral portions of a cleft lip.