Scientists' Suspicious Deaths
Scientists’ Suspicious Deaths
It appears that there is nothing safe about being a research scientist when the New World Order is looking over your shoulder.
There are many conspiracy theorists who believe that numerous research scientists in a wide variety of fields have been murdered in recent years because they were going to act as whistle-blowers regarding the character and direction being taken by their companies’ biological warfare research, nuclear devices, or missiles. Some of the scientists were opening up new areas of promising research regarding alternative energy sources. Some conspiracy theorists set the body count of scientists who have met strange, bizarre, and untimely deaths at ninety or more. As with all of the body counts or death lists that we include in this encyclopedia of conspiracies and secret societies, we add our disclaimer that many of the individuals on such lists may have suffered from long-term illnesses, met their demise in accidents totally devoid of nefarious circumstances, or committed suicide of their own free, albeit troubled, will. By the same token, conspiracy researchers remind us that secret government agencies have developed means of making murders appear to be deaths due to natural causes or accident. Some of these methods are designed to be able to avoid detection in autopsies and postmortem examinations. A declassified CIA assassination manual states that a “contrived accident” is “the most effective technique of secret assassination.” An example of an “efficient technique” is “a fall of 75 feet or more onto a hard surface.” Other insidious techniques involve the injection of cancer cells, heart attack inducements, and absorption of deadly, untraceable poison. There are some deaths on these lists that do seem quite suspicious, and that is why we include them for your own assessment.
Frank Olson, November 1953: Olson worked for the CIA’s Special Operations Division at Fort Detrick, Maryland, testing biological weapons. After attending a conference at Deep Creek Lodge in western Maryland, he told his wife that he intended to quit his job with the CIA. In the early morning of November 29, 1953, Olson went through the window of a hotel room that he was sharing with Robert Lashbrook, a colleague. His death was ruled a suicide at the time, and not until 1975 did Olson’s son Eric find out that his father had been given LSD without his knowledge.
According to conspiracy researchers, a literal epidemic of over two dozen mysterious deaths of scientists, experts, and recent science graduates occurred in the 1980s at Marconi or Plessey Defense Systems in the UK. Among those who died under suspicious circumstances are the following:
Keith Bowden, March 1982: A computer programmer and scientist at Essex University who worked for Marconi Defense Systems, Bowden, forty-six, was considered an expert on computer-controlled aircraft. Police ruled his fatal car crash the result of drunk driving, but family and friends denied the allegation.
Roger Hill, March 1985: Hill, forty-nine, was a radar designer with Marconi. His death from a shotgun blast was ruled a suicide by the coroner.
Jonathan Wash, November 1985: A digital communications expert who worked at British Telecom’s secret research center in Suffolk, Jonathan Wash, twenty-nine, fell to his death from a hotel room in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
Vimal Dajibhai, August 1986: Dajibhai, twenty-four, was responsible for testing computer control systems at Marconi Underwater Systems. His 240-foot fall from Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol, was ruled a suicide.
Arshad Sharif, October 1986: Sharif, twenty-six, allegedly committed suicide in a particularly bizarre manner by looping a ligature around his neck, tying the other end to a tree, then driving off in his car with the accelerator pedal pushed to the floor. Sharif had been working on satellite detection systems for submarines.
Dr. John Brittan, January 1987: A respected scientist involved in top-secret work, Brittan, fifty-two, was found dead from carbon monoxide poisoning in his garage after he had returned from a trip to the United States.
David Skeels, February 1987: An engineer with Marconi, Skeels, forty-three, was found dead in his car with a hosepipe connected to the exhaust.
Peter Peapell, February 1987: Peapell, forty-six, had been working with various metals and their resistance to explosives when he was found dead in his garage, allegedly from carbon monoxide poisoning.
Shanni Warren, April 1987: In order for the verdict of suicide to be fulfilled in the case of Warren, twenty-six, she had to be capable of tying her feet with a rope, binding her hands behind her back, gagging herself with a noose around her neck, then wobbling to a small lake and drowning herself in eighteen inches of water. Four weeks after her death, GEC Marconi took over Micro Scope, the small company in which she had served as personal assistant.
Russell Smith, January 1988: Smith, twenty-three, a laboratory technician with the Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Essex, died as the result of a fall from a cliff at Boscastle in Cornwall.
Alistair Beckham, August 1988: A software engineer with Plessey Defense Systems, Beckham, fifty, was found electrocuted in his garden shed.
Peter Ferry, August 1988: The assistant marketing director at Marconi, Peter Ferry, sixty, was found electrocuted in his apartment with electrical leads in his mouth.
Andrew Hall, September 1988: The thirty-three-year-old Hall was found dead of carbon monoxide poisoning in his garage. He had served as engineering manager with British Aerospace.
While the reports of mysterious deaths and suicides involving microbiologists and other scientists employed by Marconi Defense Systems in the UK are unsettling to say the least, it appears that certain aspects of research science are no safer in other parts of the world.
Dr. Tsunao Saitoh, 1996: Saitoh, forty-six, a leading researcher of Alzheimer’s disease, and his thirteen-year-old daughter were found shot to death in La Jolla, California. Police who found Saitoh dead behind the wheel of his car and his daughter lying outside the vehicle described the murder as professionally done.
Dr. Yaacov Matzner, Avishai Berkman, and Professor Amiram Eldor, November 24, 2001: Matzner, fifty-four, dean of the Hebrew University–Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem, one of the world’s leading experts on blood diseases, and Eldor, fifty-nine, head of the hematology institute at Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Hospital, an internationally known expert on blood clotting, and Berkman, fifty, director of the Tel Aviv Health Department, were killed on their way back to Israel via Switzerland when their plane came down in a dense forest two miles short of the landing field in Zurich.
Dr. Don C. Wiley, December 2001: Wiley, fifty-seven, one of the foremost microbiologists in the United States, was an authority on the response of the immune system to such viral attacks as those from HIV, Ebola, and influenza. Police found his rental car on a bridge outside Memphis, Tennessee, and his body was pulled from the Mississippi River on December 20.
Dr. Robert M. Schwartz, December 2001: An expert in DNA sequencing and pathogenic microorganisms, and a founding member of the Virginia Biotechnology Association, Schwartz, fifty-seven, was stabbed and slashed by a sword in his farmhouse in Leesburg, Virginia. His daughter Clara—a pagan high priestess—and a number of her fellow pagans were charged. In 2003, Clara was convicted of murder and sentenced to forty-eight years; Kyle Hubert, life without parole; Michael Paul Pfohl, twenty-one years; and Katherine Inglis, twelve months.
Dr. Nguyen Van Set, December 2001: Set, forty-four, had just received international acclaim for discovering a virus that could be modified to affect smallpox, when he accidentally entered an air-locked storage lab and died from exposure to nitrogen.
Dr. Victor Korshunov, February, 2002: Korshunov, fifty-six, an expert in intestinal bacteria in children, was clubbed to death near his Moscow home.
Ian Langford, February 2002: Recognized as an expert in environmental diseases Langford, forty, was found dead in his home near Norwich, England, naked from the waist down and stuffed under a chair.
David Wynn-Williams, March 2002: Wynn-Williams, fifty-five, died when struck by a car while jogging near his home in Cambridge, England. The respected astrobiologist had been studying microbes that might survive in outer space.
Dr. Steven Mostow, March 2002: A well-known expert in bioterrorism of the Colorado Health Sciences Center, Mostow, sixty-three, died when the airplane he was piloting crashed near Denver.
Dr. David Kelly, July 2003: Kelly, fifty-nine, was an internationally known biological warfare weapons specialist who held a senior post at the British Ministry of Defense and who advised Prime Minister Tony Blair regarding the weapons of mass destruction allegedly held by Saddam Hussein in Iraq. He was found dead after apparently slashing his wrists in a wooded area near his home at Southmoor, Oxfordshire.
Robert Leslie Burghoff, November 2003: Burghoff, forty-five, had been on the trail of the virus that seemed to be plaguing cruise ships when on November 22, 2003, a white van jumped the curb, struck him, then sped on without stopping. Burghoff died an hour later.
William T. McGuire, May 2004: The body of McGuire, thirty-nine, professor and senior program analyst at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, was found in three suitcases floating in Chesapeake Bay.
Dr. Eugene Mallove, May 2004: Mallove was bludgeoned to death shortly after he had published an open letter to scientists regarding free energy sources and cold fusion technologies. Harvard educated, the holder of three earned doctorates, he spent the last fifteen years of his life researching cold fusion and seeking new energy devices.
Dr. Bassem al-Mudares, July 2004: The mutilated body of al-Mudares, a highly respected chemist, was found in Samarra, Iraq.
Professor John Clark, August 2004: Clark was head of the science lab at the Roslin Institute in Midlothian, Scotland, that became a world-famous biotechnology research center when it cloned Dolly, the sheep. Clark was found hanging in his holiday home.
Dr. Jeong H. Im, January 2005: Im, seventy-two, a protein chemist and retired research assistant professor at the University of Missouri, was stabbed numerous times and his body left in the trunk of his burning automobile.
Dr. Robert J. Lull, May 2005: A former president of both the American College of Nuclear Physicians and the San Francisco Medical Society and an expert on the threat of nuclear terrorism, Lull, sixty-four, was found stabbed to death in the entryway of his hilltop home in San Francisco shortly after he had called for full BSE (mad cow disease) testing.