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teg·men T0084200 (tĕg′mən)n. pl. teg·mi·na (-mə-nə) A covering or integument, especially:a. The thin plate of bone that covers the middle ear.b. The tough leathery forewing of certain insects.c. The inner layer of a seed coat. [Latin tegimen, tegmen, covering, from tegere, to cover; see (s)teg- in Indo-European roots.]tegmen (ˈtɛɡmən) n, pl -mina (-mɪnə) 1. (Zoology) either of the leathery forewings of the cockroach and related insects2. (Botany) the delicate inner covering of a seed3. (Botany) any similar covering or layer[C19: from Latin: a cover, variant of tegimen, from tegere to cover] ˈtegminal adjteg•men (ˈtɛg mən) n., pl. -mi•na (-mə nə) 1. a covering or integument, esp. of a plant or animal. 2. the delicate inner coat of a seed. 3. either of a pair of leathery forewings extending over the hind wings in certain insects. [1800–10; < Latin: covering (also tegumen, tegimen) =teg(ere) to cover + -men n. suffix] teg′mi•nal, adj. tegmen
tegmen[′teg·mən] (biology) An integument or covering. (botany) The inner layer of a seed coat. (invertebrate zoology) A thickened forewing of Orthoptera, Coleoptera, and certain other insects. tegmen
tegmen [teg´men] (L.) a covering structure or roof.tegmen tym´pani the thin layer of bone that forms the roof of the tympanic cavity, separating it from the cranial cavity.teg·men, gen. teg·mi·nis, pl. teg·mi·na (teg'men, -mi-nis, -mi-nă), A structure that covers or roofs over a part. [L. a covering, fr. tego, to cover] tegmen (tĕg′mən)n. pl. teg·mina (-mə-nə) A covering or integument, especially:a. The thin plate of bone that covers the middle ear.b. The tough leathery forewing of certain insects.c. The inner layer of a seed coat.teg·men, pl. tegmina (teg'men, -mi-nă) [TA] A structure that covers or roofs over a part. [L. a covering, fr. tego, to cover]tegmen - the inner seed coat or integument.
- the hardened forewing of member of the DICTYOPTERA and ORTHOPTERA.