Versailles, Alliance Treaties of 1756 and 1758

Versailles, Alliance Treaties of (1756 and 1758)


treaties that established the anti-Prussian coalition in the Seven Years’ War of 1756-63. The Alliance Treaty of Versailles of 1756 was concluded on May 1 in Versailles between Austria and France. The idea of an alliance with France, Austria’s traditional enemy, was proposed by the Austrian chancellor Kaunitz in view of the growing power of Prussia. France agreed to the alliance after Prussia and Great Britain concluded the Whitehall Treaty of 1756. According to the Alliance Treaty of Versailles of 1756, Austria and France guaranteed each others’ possessions and pledged to render each other military aid. On Dec. 31, 1756 (Jan. 11, 1757), Russia, which had concluded the St. Petersburg Treaty of Alliance with Austria, joined the alliance. The Alliance Treaty of Versailles of 1758 (concluded on December 30 in Versailles between Austria and France; on Mar. 18, 1760, Russia joined it) specified and amended the Treaty of 1756.


Preussische und österreichische Akten zur Vorgeschichte des Siebenjährigen Krieges. Leipzig, 1899.