

单词 spc



(communications) stored-program control


(business)Statistical Process Control. Something to dowith quality management.


(body)Software Productivity Centre.


(company)Software Publishing Corporation.


(security)Software Publishing Certificate.



Abbreviation for:
salicylamide, phenacetin and caffeine
salivary protein complex
second primary cancer
seropositive carrier
single palmar crease
slow potential change
soy protein concentrate
specialist palliative care
spinal cord
spleen cell
standard platelet concentrate
standard plate count
stromal precursor cells
sulcal prefrontal cortex
Summary of Product Characteristics 
superior pharyngeal constrictor
suprapubic catheter
synthesising protein complex


SPCStatistical Process Control
SPCSpecialist (US Army rank)
SPCSoftware Process Control
SPCSummary of Product Characteristics
SPCStorm Prediction Center (US government)
SPCSuicide Prevention Council (various locations)
SPCSecretariat of the Pacific Community
SPCSouth Plains College (Levelland, Texas)
SPCSaint Peter's College (Jersey City, NJ)
SPCSrpske Pravoslavne Crkve (Serbian: Serbian Orthodox Church)
SPCService de Prévision des Crues (French; Flood Forecasting Service)
SPCServices Processing Card
SPCSingle Point of Contact (various organizations)
SPCSenior Project Coordinator (various locations)
SPCStandards of Practice Committee (American Academy of Sleep Medicine)
SPCSan Pedro College (Davao City, Philippines)
SPCSpecial Purpose Company
SPCSegregated Portfolio Company (business type)
SPCSwitching Power Converter (electronics)
SPCSt. Peter Claver (various locations)
SPCStorage Performance Council
SPCSecond Presbyterian Church (various locations)
SPCSocial Protection Committee (EU)
SPCScalable Plate Carrier (USMC)
SPCStem/Progenitor Cell (biology)
SPCStrategic Planning Committee
SPCStored Program Controller
SPCService Platform Card
SPCStored Program Command
SPCSectors per Cluster
SPCSet Point Controller
SPCScsi Primary Commands
SPCService Programming Code
SPCSony Playstation Console
SPCSignaling Point Codes
SPCService Provider Code
SPCSans Pot Catalytique
SPCSouth Pacific Commission
SPCSupreme People's Court (China)
SPCSony Pictures Classics
SPCStrategic Planning Consultant (various organizations)
SPCServiço de Proteção ao Crédito (Credit Protection Service; Brazil)
SPCSoftware Publishing Corporation
SPCSingle Player Command (gaming)
SPCStrategy and Policy Committee (various locations)
SPCSeminare Projekte Consulting (Austrian training company)
SPCStandard Plate Count
SPCSouthern Pine Council
SPCSupplementary Protection Certificate
SPCSouthwestern Pennsylvania Commission (Pittsburgh, PA)
SPCStored Program Control
SPCSchool of Psychology and Counseling (various schools)
SPCSpeech Communications
SPCSustainable Packaging Coalition
SPCSamurai Pizza Cats (TV show)
SPCState Pension Credit (UK)
SPCShelter Plus Care (HUD)
SPCState Planning Commission
SPCSports Performance Coach (various organizations)
SPCSpecial Purpose Cartridge (ammunition)
SPCSilver-Plated Copper
SPCScottish Police College (UK)
SPCSoftware Productivity Consortium
SPCSt. Peter Cathedral (various locations)
SPCSouth Polar Cap (Mars)
SPCStandard Player Contract (sports law)
SPCState Plane Coordinate
SPCSaint Paul College (Quezon City and Manila, Philippines)
SPCSaint Paul's College (Lawrenceville, Virginia)
SPCState Province Country (amateur radio)
SPCSoft Permanent Connection
SPCSoy Protein Concentrate
SPCServices per Conception (cattle breeding)
SPCSingle Photon Counting
SPCSyrian Petroleum Company (est. 1974)
SPCSaint Petersburg College (Florida, formerly Saint Petersburg Junior College)
SPCScientific Program Committee
SPCSouthern Progress Corporation (publishing; Alabama)
SPCStoke Park Club (UK)
SPCSydney Ports Corporation (Australia)
SPCSingapore Petroleum Co
SPCStony Point Center (New York)
SPCSystems Planning Corporation
SPCSpecial Projects Committee
SPCSpecialized Products Company (Texas)
SPCState Personnel Commission (various locations)
SPCScalable Parallel Computer
SPCSouthport Presbyterian Church
SPCSouthern Pacific Communications Company (original name for Sprint)
SPCSouth Power Controller
SPCSolid Phase Crystallization
SPCStandards and Privileges Committee (UK)
SPCSchool Planning Committee (various schools)
SPCScience Policy Council
SPCSignalling Point Code (SS7 signaling)
SPCSouth Pass City (Wyoming)
SPCSociety of Pension Consultants
SPCState Pharmaceuticals Corporation (Sri Lanka)
SPCStudent Price Card (Canada)
SPCSales Product Catalog (GPO online bookstore)
SPCSingle Parity Check
SPCSocialist Party of Canada
SPCStandard Plumbing Code
SPCSeismic Performance Category
SPCSmall Peripheral Controller
SPCSuper Physical Contact (fiber connector)
SPCSouthern Pacific Company
SPCSpecific Purpose Company
SPCSpecial Police Constable (various locations)
SPCSignal Processing Center
SPCStored Program Command (NASA)
SPCSupra Pubic Catheter (urology)
SPCSiemens Power Corporation
SPCSoutheast Produce Council (East Ellijay, GA)
SPCSouthern Power Company
SPCSpecial Political Committee (UN)
SPCStudent Project Competition (various organizations)
SPCSerial-to-Parallel Converter
SPCSausalito Presbyterian Church (Sausalito, CA)
SPCShepparton Preserving Company
SPCSaint Philip's College (San Antonio, Texas)
SPCSindicato de Periodistas de Cataluña (Spanish: Union of Journalists of Catalonia; Spain)
SPCSpecial Public Corporation (Japan)
SPCStanding Professional Committee (various organizations)
SPCSource Path Contribution (acoustic analysis)
SPCSenior Political Committee (NATO)
SPCSingle Point Connection
SPCSudanese Petroleum Corporation
SPCService Playing Certificate (American Guild of Organists)
SPCSanta Cruz La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain - La Palma (Airport Code)
SPCSpecialty Polymer Coatings, Inc.
SPCSamaritan's Purse Canada
SPCSweet Potato Crunch (food)
SPCStandard Products Committee (US Navy)
SPCSmart Port Card
SPCSalesforce Philanthropy Cloud (Salesforce)
SPCStandard & Poor's Compustat (McGraw-Hill division)
SPCSan Pablo Colleges
SPCSugar Land Product Center
SPCSpace Physics Center
SPCSelf Polishing Co-polymer (antifouling paint)
SPCSuppression Pool Cooling
SPCSenior Policy Committee
SPCSouth Park, Colorado
SPCSubmission Processing Center
SPCSatellite Processing Center
SPCSouthern Preparatory Conference
SPCShuttle Processing Contractor (US NASA)
SPCStrategy & Planning Committee
SPCStandard Poodle Club (UK)
SPCSelective Placement Coordinator
SPCSolar Panel Cooker
SPCSprint Personal Conferencing
SPCSurface Preparation Compound
SPCSystem Planning Computer
SPCStall Protection Computer
SPCService Provider Council
SPCSecours Populaire Français (French: French Relief People; humanitarian organization)
SPCSystem Programming Code
SPCSite Plan Committee
SPCSerial Protocol Channel
SPCStandard Parts Catalog
SPCSemi-Permanent Circuit
SPCSubaquatique Pirate Club (French: Underwater Pirate Club; diving association)
SPCSuperconductivity Pilot Center
SPCSingle Point Cane
SPCSoftware Production Consortium
SPCStudent Paper Conference
SPCSoy Protein Council
SPCStudent Platoon Commander (ROTC)
SPCSpecial People's Court (various locations)
SPCStaff Planners Course
SPCSpecialist, Classification Interviewer (US Navy)
SPCStrike Planning Cell
SPCStalybridge Photographic Club (UK)
SPCScénario Pédagogique Collégial
SPCScan Point Candidate
SPCState Publicity Censor (Ausrtalia)
SPCSupplier Product Control
SPCStochastic Power Control
SPCStandard Propulsion Components (NASA)
SPCSupervisory Patent Classifier
SPCState Purchasing Contract (Australia)
SPCSaint Patrick's College Ballarat (Ballarat, Australia)
SPCShelf Patchthrough Card
SPCService Processor Controller
SPCSliding Pressure Control (steam power plant boiler design)
SPCSimplicity, Patience, Compassion
SPCShell Pipeline Corporation
SPCSpan of Conditional (Arcs)
SPCChief Steam Propulsionman (USN rating)
SPCStandard Procedure Call
SPCSubsystem Power Control
SPCSprawiedliwoœci I Praw Czlowieka
SPCSpecimen Processing Control (analytical procedure)
SPCSequence Pattern Court




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