Acronym | Definition |
MNH➣Museum of Natural History |
MNH➣Mans Not Hot |
MNH➣Marshfield News-Herald (newspaper; Wisconsin) |
MNH➣Maternal and Newborn Health |
MNH➣Manx National Heritage (Isle of Man) |
MNH➣Maternal and Neonatal Health |
MNH➣Mutuelle Nationale des Hospitaliers (French: Mutual National Hospital) |
MNH➣Mint Never-Hinged (philately) |
MNH➣Mesivta Neimus Hatorah (Torah education) |
MNH➣Miyagi National Hospital (Japan) |
MNH➣Mouvement pour une Nouvelle Humanité (French: Movement for a New Humanity) |
MNH➣Minimum Number of Hops |