Acronym | Definition |
VDP➣Vin de Pays (French: Wine of the Land) |
VDP➣Variable Data Printing |
VDP➣Video Display Processor |
VDP➣St. Vincent de Paul |
VDP➣Verband Deutscher Pfandbriefbanken |
VDP➣Voluntary Disclosure Program (tax amnesty; various nations) |
VDP➣Verband Deutscher Papierfabriken (German: Association of German Paper Mills) |
VDP➣Variable Data Publishing |
VDP➣Virtual Disk Player |
VDP➣Vandenplas |
VDP➣Video Profile |
VDP➣Virtual Drive Program |
VDP➣Virtual Document Planner |
VDP➣Video Digital Programme |
VDP➣Visual Studio Deployment Project |
VDP➣Virtual Document Programming |
VDP➣Video Disc Player |
VDP➣Van der Pol (equation) |
VDP➣Village Development Program |
VDP➣Verband Deutscher Puppentheater (German: German Puppet Theater Association) |
VDP➣Vehicle Development Process |
VDP➣Village Defense Party (Bangladesh) |
VDP➣Valiant Defender's Party |
VDP➣Verband Deutscher Prädikatsweingüter eV (Association of German Prädikat Wine Estates) |
VDP➣Voice Directed Picking (vending) |
VDP➣Visual Descent Point |
VDP➣Video Disk Player |
VDP➣Very Draining Person |
VDP➣video datagram protocol |
VDP➣Voluntary Departure Plan |
VDP➣Very Dangerous Person |
VDP➣Vehicle Description Page (sales) |
VDP➣Vaccine Damage Payment (UK) |
VDP➣Virtual Desktop Platform |
VDP➣Vendor Direct Program |
VDP➣Vascular Disease Program |
VDP➣Visual Day Planner |
VDP➣Very Deep Pockets |
VDP➣Volunteer Reservists in Drill Pay Status (US Navy) |
VDP➣Vibration Damped Palletisation (System 3R) |
VDP➣Video Decompression Processor |
VDP➣Vehicle Down for Parts |
VDP➣Vava'u Development Programme (EU) |
VDP➣Vehicle Deadlined for Parts |
VDP➣Violent Deranged Person |