Acronym | Definition |
SIGA➣Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority |
SIGA➣Secure Internet Gateway Appliance |
SIGA➣Sistemas Integrales de Gestión Ambiental (Spanish: Integrated Environmental Management Systems; various locations) |
SIGA➣Sistema Integrado Guatemalteco de Autobuses (Spanish: Integrated Guatemalan Bus System) |
SIGA➣Simplified Improved Gaussian Approximation |
SIGA➣Special Interest Group in Andrology (ESHRE) |
SIGA➣Semaine Internationale de la Gentillesse et de l'Altruisme (International Week of Kindness and Altruism) |
SIGA➣Silizium, Galvanik Und Abformung |
SIGA➣Sunshine in Government Act of 1976 |
SIGA➣School Improvement Grant Administrator (Georgia) |