SIGASaskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority
SIGASecure Internet Gateway Appliance
SIGASistemas Integrales de Gestión Ambiental (Spanish: Integrated Environmental Management Systems; various locations)
SIGASistema Integrado Guatemalteco de Autobuses (Spanish: Integrated Guatemalan Bus System)
SIGASimplified Improved Gaussian Approximation
SIGASpecial Interest Group in Andrology (ESHRE)
SIGASemaine Internationale de la Gentillesse et de l'Altruisme (International Week of Kindness and Altruism)
SIGASilizium, Galvanik Und Abformung
SIGASunshine in Government Act of 1976
SIGASchool Improvement Grant Administrator (Georgia)