Acadia Byway

Acadia Byway

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:Acadia National Park
P.O. Box 177 - Eagle Lake Road
Bar Harbor, ME 04609

Web: Description:Scenic Loop road through Acadia National Park offers views of the rugged Maine coastline as well as access to Bar Harbor, Sand Beach, Thunder Hole, Otter Cliffs, Jordan Pond, Cadillac Mountain, and the ferry to the Cranberry Islands. The Park Loop Road was designed around biking and walking recreational activities.
Legth: 40 miles. Start/Endpoint: Route begins in Trenton, Maine at the Thompson Island Bridge. The Park Loop Road is closed from late November to mid-April. Time to Allow: 3 hours. Designation/Year: All-American Road (2000).

See other parks in Maine.